1 Texas Administrative Code § 65.305 – Refunds from Claimants
(a) The OAG may require a refund from a claimant if any compensation was awarded under the LCP based on fraud or mistake or based on new information that would disqualify a claimant from being eligible for compensation.
(b) The OAG may require the claimant to refund any overpayment in full or in installments or reduce future or pending payments by the amount of the overpayment.
(c) The OAG may discontinue or suspend all current and future payments to a claimant from whom the OAG has requested a refund.
(d) The OAG may pursue available administrative or civil penalties in addition to seeking a refund upon determining that compensation was awarded based on fraud or mistake or based on new information that would disqualify a claimant from being eligible for compensation.