Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 65.400

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 65.400

1 Texas Administrative Code § 65.400 – Request for Reconsideration of Adverse Action

(a) A claimant may request a reconsideration of all or any part of the OAG’s decision to make or deny an award on an application or on the amount of an award.

(b) Within 30 days from the date that the OAG’s office provides the claimant with the award written decision notice, the claimant must submit a signed, written request for reconsideration stating the reasons for the request for reconsideration. If the claimant fails to file a written request for reconsideration to the OAG’s adverse action within the 30-day time period, the decision of the OAG becomes binding, and the claimant waives the right to further appeal.

(c) The OAG may not grant a reconsideration if a request is not filed by the claimant within the 30-day time period, unless the claimant shows good cause for late filing. The claimant must provide to the OAG a signed, written explanation showing good cause for failing to submit a written request for reconsideration of the OAG’s adverse action within the 30-day time period. If the OAG does not find that good cause exists for late filing, the decision of the OAG becomes binding, and the claimant waives the right to further appeal.

(d) The OAG will provide the claimant a written notification of its reconsideration decision. If the claimant is dissatisfied with the reconsideration of the OAG’s award decision, the claimant must file a signed, written request for a hearing with the OAG within 30 days of the date of the reconsideration decision. If the claimant fails to file a written request for a hearing within the 30-day time period, the reconsideration decision becomes binding, and the claimant waives the right to a hearing.

See also  Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 61.301

(e) A claimant who fails to exhaust all available administrative remedies waives the right to seek judicial review.

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