Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 70.2

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 70.2

1 Texas Administrative Code § 70.2 – Definitions

The following words and terms, when used in these sections, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

(1) Actual cost–The sum of all direct costs plus a proportional share of overhead or indirect costs. Actual cost should be determined in accordance with generally accepted methodologies.

(2) Client/Server System–A combination of two or more computers that serve a particular application through sharing processing, data storage, and end-user interface presentation. PCs located in a LAN environment containing file servers fall into this category as do applications running in an X-window environment where the server is a UNIX based system.

(3) Attorney General–The Office of the Attorney General of Texas.

(4) Governmental Body–An entity as defined by § RSA 552.003 of the Texas Government Code.

(5) Mainframe Computer–A computer located in a controlled environment and serving large applications and/or large numbers of users. These machines usually serve an entire organization or some group of organizations. These machines usually require an operating staff. IBM and UNISYS mainframes, and large Digital VAX 9000 and VAX Clusters fall into this category.

(6) Midsize Computer–A computer smaller than a Mainframe Computer that is not necessarily located in a controlled environment. It usually serves a smaller organization or a sub-unit of an organization. IBM AS/400 and Digital VAX/VMS multi-user single-processor systems fall into this category.

(7) Nonstandard copy–Under §70.1 through § RSA 70.11 of this title, a copy of public information that is made available to a requestor in any format other than a standard paper copy. Microfiche, microfilm, diskettes, magnetic tapes, CD-ROM are examples of nonstandard copies. Paper copies larger than 8 1/2 by 14 inches (legal size) are also considered nonstandard copies.

(8) PC–An IBM compatible PC, Macintosh or Power PC based computer system operated without a connection to a network.

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(9) Standard paper copy–Under §70.1 through § RSA 70.11 of this title, a copy of public information that is a printed impression on one side of a piece of paper that measures up to 8 1/2 by 14 inches. Each side of a piece of paper on which information is recorded is counted as a single copy. A piece of paper that has information recorded on both sides is counted as two copies.

(10) Archival box–A carton box measuring approximately 12.5″ width x 15.5″ length x 10″ height, or able to contain approximately 1.5 cubic feet in volume.

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