Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 70.8

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 70.8

1 Texas Administrative Code § 70.8 – Processing Complaints of Overcharges

(a) Pursuant to § RSA 552.269(a) of the Texas Government Code, requestors who believe they have been overcharged for a copy of public information may complain to the Attorney General.

(b) The complaint must be in writing, and must:
(1) Set forth the reason(s) the person believes the charges are excessive;

(2) Provide a copy of the original request and a copy of any correspondence from the governmental body stating the proposed charges; and

(3) Be received by the Attorney General within 10 business days after the person knows of the occurrence of the alleged overcharge.

(4) Failure to provide the information listed within the stated timeframe will result in the complaint being dismissed.

(c) The Attorney General shall address written questions to the governmental body, regarding the methodology and figures used in the calculation of the charges which are the subject of the complaint.

(d) The governmental body shall respond in writing to the questions within 10 business days from receipt of the questions.

(e) The Attorney General may use tests, consultations with records managers and technical personnel at the Attorney General and other agencies, and any other reasonable resources to determine appropriate charges.

(f) If the Attorney General determines that the governmental body overcharged for requested public information, the governmental body shall adjust its charges in accordance with the determination, and shall refund the difference between what was charged and what was determined to be appropriate charges.

(g) The Attorney General shall send a copy of the determination to the complainant and to the governmental body.

See also  6 U.S. Code § 563a: Acquisition justification and reports

(h) Pursuant to § RSA 552.269(b) of the Texas Government Code, a requestor who overpays because a governmental body refuses or fails to follow the charges established by the Attorney General, is entitled to recover three times the amount of the overcharge if the governmental body did not act in good faith in computing the charges.

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