1 Texas Administrative Code § 79.32 – Characters of Print Acceptable in Names
(a) Entity names may consist of letters of the Roman alphabet, Arabic numerals, symbols capable of being reproduced on a standard English language keyboard, and such other symbols as permitted by the secretary of state’s database and as posted on the secretary of state’s website, or a combination thereof.
(b) No distinction as to type face or font in the presentation of an entity name will be recognized. Subscript or superscript characters cannot be entered into the computer records of the secretary of state; consequently, such characters will not appear above or below the other characters in the entity name. Example: H2O will appear as H2O. The secretary of state, however, will recognize the use of either upper or lower case letters in the presentation of the entity name.
(c) Arabic numerals include 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
(d) The symbols recognized as part of a name may include ! ” $ % ‘ () * ? # = @ [] / + & and -.
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