1 Texas Administrative Code § 79.36 – Grossly Offensive Name
The entity name may not be one that is deemed to be so grossly offensive as to be unacceptable as an entity name.
The entity name may not be one that is deemed to be so grossly offensive as to be unacceptable as an entity name.
1 Texas Administrative Code § 79.37 – Organizational Identifiers (a) Acceptable organizational identifiers are set forth in §§5.054 – RSA 5.059 of the Texas Business Organizations Code. (b) The
1 Texas Administrative Code § 79.35 – Foreign Words Not Translated (a) Although entity names may consist, in whole or in part, of words in a foreign language which
1 Texas Administrative Code § 79.34 – Restricted Words (a) Where prohibited by §16.105 of the Texas Business & Commerce Code, an entity name cannot include the words, “Olympic,”
1 Texas Administrative Code § 79.33 – False Implication of Governmental Affiliation; False Implication of Purpose (a) The entity name may not be one that might falsely imply governmental