Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 81.148

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 81.148

1 Texas Administrative Code § 81.148 – Appointment of Various Election Officials

(a) Upon receipt of the lists of names of election judges and clerks from each county chair not later than the second Monday in December, the county election officer shall select co-judges, co-alternate judges, and appoint clerks (if applicable) for each precinct. (These selections are made in accordance with § RSA 172.126(c) of the Texas Election Code and § RSA 81.152 of this title (relating to Estimating Voter Turnout for Joint Primaries).)

(b) The county election officer shall determine the total number of election workers required and select from the party chairs’ lists the individuals to be appointed as co-judges, members of the early voting ballot board, and presiding judge and clerks of central counting station. The county election officer shall ensure party balance in these selections.

(c) If the total number of individuals (presiding judge plus election clerks) serving on the early voting ballot board or at the central counting station is an odd number, the county election officer shall appoint an additional member from the party whose candidate for governor received the highest number of votes in the county in the most recent gubernatorial general election.

See also  Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 55.140

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