Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 81.149

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 81.149

1 Texas Administrative Code § 81.149 – Number of Election Workers per Joint Polling Place

(a) The county election officer shall use the table set out in the following figure, to determine the number of election workers allowable for each joint polling place.

(b) Each polling place shall have no less than one co-judge from each party and one clerk from each party.

(c) If the total number of workers is an odd number, the county election officer shall appoint an additional worker from the list of the party whose candidate for governor received the highest number of votes in the precinct in the most recent gubernatorial general election. (If precincts have been consolidated or combined for the joint primary, then the highest number of votes is determined by adding together the votes from the consolidated or combined precincts.)
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