United Nations Security Council Resolution 1032 – UN peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
Resolution 1032 (1995)
The Security Council,
Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations operation in Cyprus of 10 December 1995 (S/1995/1020 and Add.1),
Taking note of his recommendation that the Security Council extend the mandate of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP),
Noting that the Government of Cyprus has agreed that in view of theprevailing conditions in the island it is necessary to keep the force in Cyprusbeyond 31 December 1995,
Reaffirming its earlier relevant resolutions on Cyprus, and in particular resolutions 186 (1964) of 4 March 1964 and 1000 (1995) of 23 June 1995,
Expressing its concern that there has been no progress towards a final political solution,
Noting that no progress has been made on extending the 1989 unmanning agreement,
- Decides to extend the mandate of UNFICYP for a further period ending on 30 June 1996;
- 2. Calls upon the military authorities on both sides to ensure that no incidents occur along the buffer zone and to extend their full cooperation toUNFICYP;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to keep under review the structure andstrength of UNFICYP with a view to its possible restructuring, and to presentany new considerations he may have in this regard;
4. Welcomes the humanitarian review undertaken by UNFICYP with regard tothe living conditions of the Greek Cypriots and the Maronites living in thenorthern part of the island and of Turkish Cypriots living in the southern partof the island, supports UNFICYP’s recommendations contained in the Secretary-General’s report (S/1995/1020 and Add.1), and decides to keep the matter underreview;
5. Expresses concern about the continuing modernization and upgrading ofmilitary forces in the Republic of Cyprus and the lack of progress towards asignificant reduction in the number of foreign troops in the Republic of Cyprus,urges once again all concerned to commit themselves to such a reduction and to areduction of defence spending in the Republic of Cyprus to help restoreconfidence between the parties and as a first step towards the withdrawal ofnon-Cypriot forces as described in the set of ideas (S/24472, annex) and callsupon the Secretary-General to promote efforts in this direction;
6. Expresses concern also about the failure by the military authoritieson both sides to take reciprocal measures to prohibit along the cease-fire lineslive ammunition or weapons other than those which are hand-held and to prohibitalso the firing of weapons within sight or hearing of the buffer zone, and callsupon those authorities to enter into discussions with UNFICYP on this matter inline with paragraph 3 of resolution 839 (1993) of 11 June 1993;
7. Regrets the failure to reach agreement on the extension of the 1989 unmanning agreement to cover all areas of the buffer zone where the two sidesare in close proximity to each other, and calls upon the military authorities onboth sides to cooperate urgently with UNFICYP to this end;
8. Welcomes the initiative of UNFICYP in organizing successful bicommunalevents, urges the leaders of both communities to promote tolerance, confidenceand reconciliation between the two communities as recommended in the relevantreports of the Secretary-General, and calls upon them to promote furtherbicommunal contacts and to remove obstacles to such contacts;
9. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s decision to continue contacts with the two leaders, to make every effort to find common ground for the basis for a resumption of direct talks;
10. Reaffirms the importance it attaches to early progress being made on the substance of the Cyprus question and on the implementation of the confidence-building measures as called for in resolution 939 (1994) of 29 July 1994;
11. Requests the Secretary-General to submit a report during the coming mandate period on his mission of good offices, including a full assessment of his efforts towards reaching a settlement of the situation in Cyprus;
12. Also requests the Secretary-General to submit a report by 10 June 1996 on the implementation of the present resolution;
13. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3608th meeting,on 19 December 1995.
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