United Nations Security Council Resolution 1073 – The occupied Arab territories
Resolution 1073 (1996)
The Security Council,
Having considered the letter dated 26 September 1996 from the representative of Saudi Arabia on behalf of the States Members of the League ofArab States, contained in document S/1996/790, that referred to the action bythe Government of Israel to open an entrance to a tunnel in the vicinity of Al Aqsa Mosque and its consequent results,
Expressing its deep concern about the tragic events in Jerusalem and theareas of Nablus, Ramallah, Bethlehem and the Gaza Strip, which resulted in a high number of deaths and injuries among the Palestinian civilians, and concerned also about the clashes between the Israeli army and the Palestinian police and the casualties on both sides,
Recalling its resolutions on Jerusalem and other relevant Security Council resolutions,
Having discussed the situation at its formal meeting on 27 September 1996,with the participation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of a number of countries,
Concerned about the difficulties facing the Middle East peace process andthe deterioration of the situation, including inter alia its impact on the living conditions of the Palestinian people, and urging the parties to fulfiltheir obligations, including the agreements already reached,
Concerned about developments at the Holy Places of Jerusalem,
1. Calls for the immediate cessation and reversal of all acts which has resulted in the aggravation of the situation, and which have negativeimplications for the Middle East peace process;
2. Calls for the safety and protection of Palestinian civilians to be ensured;
3. Calls for the immediate resumption of negotiations within the MiddleEast peace process on its agreed basis and the timely implementation of theagreements reached;
4. Decides to follow closely the situation and to remain seized of the matter.
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3698th meeting,on 28 September 1996.
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