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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1078 – The Great Lakes region

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1078 – The Great Lakes region

Resolution 1078 (1996)

The Security Council,

Gravely concerned at the deteriorating situation in the Great Lakes region,in particular eastern Zaire, and at the effect of the continued fighting on theinhabitants of the region,

Recalling the statement of the President of the Security Council on thesituation in the Great Lakes region of 1 November 1996 (S/PRST/1996/44) and theletters dated 14 and 24 October 1996 from the Secretary-General to the Presidentof the Council (S/1996/875 and S/1996/878),

Particularly concerned at the humanitarian situation and the large-scalemovements of refugees and internally displaced persons,

Deeply concerned at the obstacles to the efforts of all internationalhumanitarian agencies to provide relief and assistance to those in need,

Stressing the need to address, as a matter of urgency, the humanitarians situation, and in this context, underlining the necessity to adopt, inconsultation with the States concerned, measures necessary in order to enable the return in the region of humanitarian agencies and to secure the prompt and safe delivery of humanitarian assistance to those in need,

Having considered the letter dated 7 November 1996 from the Secretary-General to the President of the Council (S/1996/916),

Welcoming the regional efforts which are aimed at reducing tension in theregion, in particular the contribution made by the regional leaders at theirmeeting in Nairobi on 5 November 1996,

Noting the letter dated 6 November 1996 from the Permanent Representativeof Kenya to the Secretary-General, which contains the communiqué of the Nairobi Regional summit on the crisis in eastern Zaire (S/1996/914),

Taking note of the request addressed to the Council by the regional leadersat their meeting in Nairobi on 5 November 1996, to take urgent measures toensure the establishment of safe corridors and temporary sanctuaries bydeploying a neutral force,

Taking note also that the regional leaders called for an intensification ofefforts towards the voluntary repatriation of refugees to Rwanda,Expressing its intention to respond positively on an urgent basis to thoserequests,

Bearing in mind the reaffirmation by the Nairobi regional summit of itscommitment to the territorial integrity of Zaire and stressing the need for All States to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the States in the region in accordance with their obligations under the Charter of the UnitedNations,

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Underlining the urgent need for the orderly and voluntary repatriation andresettlement of refugees, and the return of internally displaced persons, whichare crucial elements for the stability of the region,

Reiterating its support for the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General, and underlining the need for all Governments in the region and parties concerned to cooperate fully with the mission of the Special Envoy,

Welcoming the efforts of the mediators and representatives of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the European Union and the States Concerned, and encouraging them to coordinate closely their efforts with those of the Special Envoy,

Underlining the urgent need for an international conference on peace,security and development in the Great Lakes region under the auspices of the United Nations and the OAU to address the problems of the region in acomprehensive way,

Taking note of the letter dated 8 November 1996 from the Chargé d’affairesof Zaire to the President of the Council (S/1996/920),

Determining that the magnitude of the present humanitarian crisis in eastern Zaire constitutes a threat to peace and security in the region,


  1. Condemns all acts of violence, and calls for an immediate ceasefireand a complete cessation of all hostilities in the region;

2. Calls upon all States in the region to create the conditions necessaryfor the speedy and peaceful resolution of the crisis and to desist from any actthat may further exacerbate the situation, and urges all parties to engage in a process of political dialogue and negotiation without delay;

3. Reaffirms its commitment to the establishment of conditions conduciveto the voluntary repatriation of refugees to their country of origin as acrucial element for the stability of the region;

4. Calls upon all States to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the States in the region in accordance with their obligations under the Charter of the United Nations;

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5. Calls upon all those concerned in the region to create favourable and safe conditions to facilitate the delivery of international humanitarian assistance to those in need and to ensure the safety of all refugees as well asthe security and freedom of movement of all international humanitarianpersonnel;


6. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s letter dated 7 November 1996including in particular his proposal that a multinational force be set up forhumanitarian purposes in eastern Zaire;

7. Strongly urges Member States, on an urgent and temporary basis and incooperation with the Secretary-General and with the OAU, to prepare thenecessary arrangements, in consultation with the States concerned, to allow theimmediate return of humanitarian organizations and the safe delivery ofhumanitarian aid to displaced persons, refugees and civilians at risk in easternZaire, and to help to create the necessary conditions for the voluntary, orderlyand secure repatriation of refugees;

8. Requests the Member States concerned to report to the Council through the Secretary-General on those arrangements as soon as possible to enable the Council to authorize the deployment of the multinational force referred to above upon receipt of the report, which will inter alia reflect the results of the consultations with the States concerned in the region, and bearing in mind the need to ensure the security and freedom of movement of the personnel of the multinational force referred to in paragraph 6 above;

9. Decides that the cost of implementing such an operation will be borneby the participating Member States and other voluntary contributions, andencourages all Member States to contribute to the operation in any way possible;


10. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with his Special Envoy and the coordinator of humanitarian affairs, with the United Nations HighCommissioner for Refugees, with the OAU, with the Special Envoy of the European Union and with the States concerned:

(a) To draw up a concept of operations and framework for a humanitarian task force, with military assistance if necessary, drawing initially on immediately available contributions from Member States, with the objectives of:- Delivering short-term humanitarian assistance and shelter to refugeesand displaced persons in eastern Zaire;

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Assisting the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees with theprotection and voluntary repatriation of refugees and displaced persons;-

Establishing humanitarian corridors for the delivery of humanitarian assistance and to assist the voluntary repatriation of refugees after carefully ascertaining their effective will to repatriate;

(b) To seek the cooperation of the Government of Rwanda in, and to ensure international support for, further measures, including the deployment of additional international monitors, as appropriate, to build confidence and ensure a safe return of refugees;

(c) To report to the Council with recommendations no later than20 November 1996;

11. Calls on the OAU, the States of the region and other international organizations to examine ways in which to contribute to and to complementefforts undertaken by the United Nations to defuse tension in the region, inparticular in eastern Zaire;

12. Expresses its readiness to examine without delay the recommendations that the Secretary-General might submit in this regard;


13. Invites the Secretary-General, on an urgent basis and in close insulation with the Secretary-General of the OAU, and with the State Concerned, and in the light of the recommendations of his Special Envoy, to determine the modalities of the convening of an International Conference forpeace, security and development in the Great Lakes region and to make all necessary arrangements to convene such a conference;

14. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3710th meeting,on 9 November 1996.

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