United Nations Security Council Resolution 1086 – Haiti
Resolution 1086 (1996)
The Security Council,
Recalling all its relevant resolutions and those adopted by the GeneralAssembly,
Taking note of the request of 13 November 1996 from the President of the Republic of Haiti to the Secretary-General of the United Nations (S/1996/956),
Welcoming the reports of the Secretary-General of 1 October 1996(S/1996/813) and 12 November 1996 (S/1996/813/Add.1*), and noting the recommendations contained therein,
Commending the role of the United Nations Support Mission in Haiti (UNSMIH) on its efforts to assist the Government of Haiti in the professionalization of the police and in the maintenance of a secure and stable environment conducive to the success of the current efforts to establish and train an effectivenational police force,
Noting the improvement in recent months in the security situation in Haiti and the capacity of the Haitian National Police to confront existing challenges,as described in the report of the Secretary-General of 12 November 1996,
Noting further the fluctuations in the security situation in Haiti described in the reports of the Secretary-General of 1 October 1996 and12 November 1996,
Supporting the role of the Special Representative of the Secretary-Generalin the coordination of activities by the United Nations system to promoteinstitution-building, national reconciliation and economic rehabilitation inHaiti,
Noting the key role played to date by the United Nations Civilian Police,supported by United Nations military personnel, in helping to establish a fully functioning Haitian National Police Force of adequate size and structure as an integral element of the consolidation of democracy and the revitalization of Haiti’s system of justice, and, in this context, welcoming continued progress towards establishing the Haitian National Police,
Supporting the efforts of the Organization of American States (OAS) incooperation with the United Nations, and in particular the contribution of the International Civilian Mission in Haiti (MICIVIH) to promote consolidation ofpeace and democracy in Haiti,
Recognizing the link between peace and development and stressing that asustained commitment by the international community and the international financial institutions to assist and support the economic, social and institutional development in Haiti is indispensable for long-term peace andstability in the country,
Recognizing that the people of Haiti bear the ultimate responsibility for national reconciliation, the maintenance of a secure and stable environment, the administration of justice, and reconstruction of their country,
- Affirms the importance of a professional, self-sustaining, fully-functioning national police force of adequate size and structure, able toconduct the full spectrum of police functions, to the consolidation of democracyand revitalization of Haiti’s system of justice;
2. Decides to extend for the final time the mandate of UNSMIH, as set outin resolution 1063 (1996) and in paragraphs 6 to 8 of the Secretary-General’sreport of 12 November 1996, and in accordance with the request of the Governmentof Haiti, until 31 May 1997 with 300 civilian police personnel and 500 troops,except that, if the Secretary-General reports by 31 March 1997 that UNSMIH canmake a further contribution to the goals set out in paragraph 1 above, it will be further extended, following a review by the Council, for the final time until31 July 1997;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council on the implementation of this resolution, including recommendations on furtherreductions in the strength of the mission, by 31 March 1997;
4. Recognizes that economic rehabilitation and reconstruction constitutethe major tasks facing the Haitian Government and people, and stresses theimportance that the Government of Haiti and the international financialinstitutions continue their close collaboration to enable the provision ofadditional financial support;
5. Requests all States to provide support for the actions undertaken bythe United Nations and by Member States pursuant to this and other relevant resolutions in order to carry out the provisions of the mandate specified inparagraph 2 above;
6. Further requests all States to make voluntary contributions to the trust fund established in resolution 975 (1995) for the support of the HaitianNational Police, to ensure that the police are adequately trained and fully operational;
7. Requests the Secretary-General to include in his report of 31 March 1997 recommendations on the nature of a subsequent international presence in Haiti;
8. Decides to remain seized of the matter.
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3721st meeting,on 5 December 1996
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