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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1089 – Tajikistan and Tajik-Afghan border

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1089 – Tajikistan and Tajik-Afghan border

Resolution 1089 (1996)

The Security Council,

Recalling all its relevant resolutions and the statements of its President,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 5 December 1996(S/1996/1010),

Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity ofthe Republic of Tajikistan and to the inviolability of its borders,

Expressing its grave concern at the continuing deterioration of the situation in Tajikistan, and stressing the urgent need for the Government ofTajikistan and the leadership of the United Tajik Opposition (UTO) to adheresincerely to the commitments they have made to resolve the conflict and toachieve national reconciliation exclusively through peaceful, political means onthe basis of mutual concessions and compromises,

Expressing also its grave concern at the ongoing fighting in Tajikistan andrepeated violations of the Tehran ceasefire agreement of 17 September 1994(S/1994/1102, annex I) and about the failure of both parties to implement theAshgabat agreements (S/1996/754, annex I),Emphasizing that the primary responsibility rests with the Tajik parties themselves in resolving the differences, and that the international support provided by this resolution must be linked to the process of national reconciliation and the promotion of democracy,

Expressing its satisfaction at the regular contacts between the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan (UNMOT) and the CollectivePeacekeeping Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Russian border forces and the Mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperationin Europe in Tajikistan,

Commending the efforts of UNMOT under difficult circumstances,

1. Expresses its appreciation for the report of the Secretary-General of5 December 1996;

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2. Condemns the ongoing flagrant violations of the ceasefire by the parties, in particular the recent opposition offensive in the Garm region, anddemands the immediate cessation of all hostilities and acts of violence;

3. Calls upon the parties to comply fully with the Tehran Agreement andall the other obligations they have assumed, and strongly urges them to extend the ceasefire for the whole duration of the inter-Tajik talks;

4. Condemns also the terrorist acts and other acts of violence which have resulted in the loss of life of civilians as well as members of the CISPeacekeeping Forces and the Russian border forces;

5. Decides to extend the mandate of UNMOT until 15 March 1997 subject tothe proviso that the Tehran Agreement remains in force and the partiesdemonstrate their commitment to an effective ceasefire, to nationalreconciliation and to the promotion of democracy, and further decides that thismandate will remain in effect until that date unless the Secretary-Generalreports to the Council that these conditions have not been met;

6. Welcomes the intention of the Secretary-General to report to the Council by 15 January 1997 on the parties’ compliance with the Tehran Agreementand the results of meetings between the President of the Republic of Tajikistanand the leader of the UTO, and requests him also to provide recommendations inthat report on the nature and size of the United Nations presence in Tajikistanin this light;

7. Calls upon the parties to cooperate fully with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in resuming the inter-Tajik talks inorder to achieve a comprehensive political settlement of the conflict, with the assistance of the countries and regional organizations acting as observers atthe inter-Tajik talks, and, in this context, welcomes the meeting between the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the leader of the UTO on10-11 December 1996, and encourages them to continue this dialogue;

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8. Welcomes the efforts of the Joint Commission in defusing tensionsbetween government and opposition forces on the ground;

9. Strongly condemns the gross mistreatment of members of UNMOT by bothparties, including threats against their lives, and urgently calls upon theparties to ensure the safety of the personnel of the United Nations and otherinternational organizations, to cooperate fully with UNMOT, and to lift allrestrictions on the freedom of movement of its personnel;

10. Urges the Tajik parties to cooperate fully with the International Committee of the Red Cross to facilitate the exchange of prisoners and detainees between the two sides;

11. Expresses its serious concern at the indiscriminate use of landminesin Tajikistan and the threat which it poses to the population and UNMOTpersonnel, and welcomes the proposals of the Secretary-General in his report of5 December 1996 in this regard;

12. Expresses its deep concern over the worsening of the humanitarian situation in Tajikistan, and calls upon Member States and others concerned to respond promptly and generously to the consolidated inter-agency donor alert on urgent humanitarian needs for the period from 1 December 1996 to 31 May 1997launched by the Secretary-General;

13. Encourages States to contribute to the voluntary fund established bythe Secretary-General in accordance with resolution 968 (1994);

14. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3724th meeting,on 13 December 1996.

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