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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1118 – Angola

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1118 – Angola

Resolution 1118 (1997)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolution 696 (1991) of 30 May 1991 and all subsequent resolutions,

Reaffirming also its commitment to the unity and territorial integrity ofAngola,

Recognizing the successful contribution of UNAVEM III to the restoration of peace and the process of national reconciliation on the basis of the “Acordos dePaz” (S/22609, annex), the Lusaka Protocol (S/1994/1441, annex) and relevant Security Council resolutions,

Recognizing also that the formation of the Government of National Unity and Reconciliation (GURN) provides a strong basis for the process of national reconciliation,

Emphasizing the need for the Government of Angola and the Uniao Nacional para a Independencia Total de Angola (UNITA) to implement without further delay the remaining political and military tasks of the peace process,

Expressing its concern about the recent increase in tensions, especially inthe northeastern provinces, and the attacks by UNITA on UNAVEM III posts andpersonnel,

Reiterating that the ultimate responsibility for the completion of the peace process rests with the Angolan people themselves,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 5 June 1997(S/1997/438),

  1. Welcomes the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General of 5 June 1997;

2. Decides to establish, as of 1 July, the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola (MONUA) with the objectives, mandate, and organizational structure recommended by the Secretary-General in section VII of his report of5 June 1997;

3. Also decides, with the expectation of full completion of the missionby 1 February 1998, that the initial mandate of MONUA will extend until31 October 1997, and requests the Secretary-General to report on the situationby 15 August 1997;

4. Further decides that MONUA will assume responsibility for allcomponents and assets of UNAVEM III remaining in Angola, including formedmilitary units, to deploy as appropriate until they are withdrawn;

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5. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to take into account the situation on the ground and progress in completing the remaining relevant aspects of the peace process in implementing the scheduled withdrawal of United Nations military units, and to report thereon in the context of the reviewrequested in paragraph 3;

6. Calls upon the Government of Angola to apply mutatis mutandis to MONUA and its members the Agreement concluded on 3 May 1995 between the United Nationsand the Government of Angola on the Status of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operation in Angola (UNAVEM III) and requests the Secretary-General to confirm urgently that this has been done;

7. Endorses the recommendation of the Secretary-General that the SpecialRepresentative continue to chair the Joint Commission, as established under theLusaka Protocol, which has proved to be a vital conflict resolution andimplementation mechanism;

8. Calls upon the Government of Angola and in particular UNITA tocooperate fully with MONUA and to ensure the freedom of movement and the safetyof its personnel;

9. Strongly urges the Government of Angola and in particular UNITA to complete the remaining political aspects of the peace process, including the normalization of State administration throughout the national territoryaccording to a timetable and procedures agreed upon by both parties within thecontext of the Joint Commission, the transformation of the UNITA radio stationinto a non-partisan broadcasting facility, and the transformation of UNITA intoa political party;

10. Also strongly urges the Government of Angola and in particular UNITA to complete without delay the remaining military aspects of the peace process,including the registration and demobilization of all remaining military elements, the elimination of all obstacles to the free circulation of people and goods, and the disarmament of the civilian population;

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11. Appeals in the strongest terms to both parties to refrain from any use of force which could obstruct the full implementation of the peace process;

12. Calls upon the Government of Angola to notify MONUA of any troopmovements, in accordance with the provisions of the Lusaka Protocol;

13. Demands that UNITA provide to the Joint Commission without delay complete information regarding all armed personnel under its control, including the security detachment of the Leader of the Largest Opposition Party, the so-called “mining police”, armed UNITA personnel returning from outside thenational boundaries, and any other armed UNITA personnel not previously reportedto the United Nations, in order for them to be verified, disarmed anddemobilized in accordance with the Lusaka Protocol and agreements between theparties in the context of the Joint Commission;

14. Expresses its hope that the issues now delaying the full implementation of the Lusaka Protocol may be resolved through a meeting, within the national territory, between the President of Angola and the Leader of the Largest Opposition Party;

15. Urges the international community to provide assistance to facilitate the demobilization and social reintegration of ex-combatants, the resettlement of displaced persons, and the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Angolan National economy in order to consolidate the gains in the peace process;

16. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General, his Special Representative, and the UNAVEM III personnel for assisting the parties in Angolato implement the peace process;

17. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3795th meeting,on 30 June 1997.

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