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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1201 – On the situation in Central African Republic

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1201 – On the situation in Central African Republic

Resolution 1201 (1998)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolutions 1125 (1997) of 6 August 1997, 1136 (1997) of6 November 1997, 1152 (1998) of 5 February 1998, 1155 (1998) of 16 March 1998,1159 (1998) of 27 March 1998 and 1182 (1998) of 14 July 1998,

Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General of 25 August 1998 (S/1998/783and Add.1) and noting the recommendations contained therein,

Stressing that the complete implementation of the Bangui Agreements(S/1998/561) and of the National Reconciliation Pact (S/1998/219, annex) is essential to peace and national reconciliation in the Central African Republic,and recognizing the significant progress made by the Government of the Central African Republic in implementing the Bangui Agreements and initiating major political and economic reforms,

Recalling the importance of regional stability and the need to consolidate the progress achieved so far, and in particular to assist the people of theCentral African Republic to consolidate the process of national reconciliationand to help sustain a secure and stable environment conducive to the holding offree and fair elections,

Emphasizing that the authorities of the Central African Republic and the Mixed and Independent Electoral Commission (CEMI) are responsible for theorganization and conduct of the legislative elections,

Noting with satisfaction the adoption of an operational plan for theorganization of the legislative elections by the CEMI and welcoming donorpledges made in support of the electoral process,

Recognizing the importance of the support already given by the UnitedNations Development Programme and the United Nations Mission in the CentralAfrican Republic (MINURCA) to the CEMI in the preparation for the elections,

1. Welcomes the announcement by the authorities of the Central AfricanRepublic and the CEMI to hold legislative elections on 22 November and13 December 1998;

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2. Decides that the mandate of MINURCA shall include support for theconduct of legislative elections as described in section III of the report ofthe Secretary-General of 21 August 1998, and in particular:(a) The transport of electoral materials and equipment to selected sitesand to the sous-préfectures, as well as the transport of United Nationselectoral observers to and from electoral sites;(b) The conduct of a limited but reliable international observation of thefirst and second rounds of the legislative elections;(c) Ensuring the security of electoral materials and equipment duringtheir transport to and at the selected sites, as well as the security of theinternational electoral observers;

3. Approves the recommendation contained in paragraph 25 of the above-mentioned report of the Secretary-General regarding the provision of securityduring the legislative election process, taking into account the need to ensurethe stability and security of Bangui and in accordance with the cost estimateassociated with this recommendation contained in the addendum to that report;

4. Welcomes the establishment of a joint committee of the Government of the Central African Republic and MINURCA to address the restructuring of theCentral African Armed Forces (FACA), and reiterates its call upon the Governmentof the Central African Republic to adopt as soon as possible a plan for theeffective restructuring of its armed forces;

5. Welcomes the deployment of up to 150 FACA troops to the selected sites, operating under United Nations rules of engagement applicable to MINURCA;

6. Calls upon the Central African authorities to provide the necessary assistance, including the security arrangements, that will enable the CEMI toprepare adequately and freely for the legislative elections;

7. Urges all parties in the Central African Republic to assume fully their responsibilities in the legislative elections and to participate in themin a manner that will strengthen the democratic process and contribute tonational reconciliation;

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8. Urges Member States to provide the required technical, financial andlogistical assistance for the organization of free and fair legislativeelections;

9. Decides to extend the mandate of MINURCA until 28 February 1999;

10. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council regularlyinformed and to submit by 20 December 1998 the report called for in itsresolution 1182 (1998) on the implementation of the mandate of MINURCA, ondevelopments in the Central African Republic, on progress towards the implementation of the commitments expressed in the letter of 8 January 1998 fromthe President of the Central African Republic to the Secretary-General(S/1998/61, annex) and on the implementation of the Bangui Agreements and theNational Reconciliation Pact, including on commitments related to ensuring thecountry’s economic recovery and the restructuring of the security forces;

11. Expresses its intention to terminate MINURCA no later than 28 February 1999, with its drawdown beginning no later than 15 January 1999, and requests the Secretary-General to make recommendations on this basis in hisreport referred to in paragraph 10 above;

12. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General, his Special Representative and the personnel of MINURCA for their efforts to promote peaceand national reconciliation in the Central African Republic;

13. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3935th meeting, on 15 October 1998.

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