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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1220 – Sierra Leone

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1220 – Sierra Leone

Resolution 1220 (1999)

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution 1181 (1998) of 13 July 1998 and the statement ofits President of 7 January 1999 (S/1999/PRST/1),

Expressing its deep concern over the recent deterioration of the situationin Sierra Leone, and encouraging all efforts aimed at resolving the conflict and restoring lasting peace and stability,

Having considered the Third Progress Report of the Secretary-General on theUnited Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone (UNOMSIL) (S/1998/1176) and hisSpecial Report on UNOMSIL of 7 January 1999 (S/1999/20), and noting therecommendations contained therein,

  1. Decides to extend the mandate of UNOMSIL until 13 March 1999;

2. Takes note of the intention of the Secretary-General, as set out inparagraph 37 of his Special Report, to reduce the number of military observersin UNOMSIL and to retain in Conakry a small number who would return to SierraLeone when conditions permit together with the necessary civilian substantiveand logistical support staff under the leadership of his Special Representative;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Council closely informed onthe situation in Sierra Leone and to submit a further report to the Council withrecommendations on the future deployment of UNOMSIL and implementation of itsmandate by 5 March 1999;

4. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3964th meeting,on 12 January 1999.

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