United Nations Security Council Resolution 1226 – Situation between Eritrea/Ethiopia
Resolution 1226 (1999)
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its resolution 1177 (1998) of 26 June 1998,
Expressing grave concern over the risk of armed conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea and the escalating arms build-up along the common border between thetwo countries,
Noting that armed conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea would have a devastating effect on the peoples of the two countries and the region as a whole,
Recognizing that the rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts of both theEthiopian and Eritrean Governments during the last eight years have given hopeto the rest of the continent, all of which would be put at risk by armedconflict,
Commending the efforts of concerned countries and regional bodies aimed at facilitating a peaceful solution to the border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea,
- Expresses its strong support for the mediation efforts of theOrganization of African Unity (OAU) and for the Framework Agreement as approvedby the Central Organ Summit of the OAU Mechanism for Conflict Prevention,Management, and Resolution on 17 December 1998 (S/1998/1223, annex), and affirmsthat the OAU Framework Agreement provides the best hope for peace between thetwo parties;
2. Endorses the decision by the Secretary-General to send his SpecialEnvoy for Africa to the region in support of OAU efforts;
3. Stresses that it is of primary importance that the OAU FrameworkAgreement be accepted, and calls for cooperation with the OAU and fullimplementation of the Framework Agreement without delay;
4. Welcomes the acceptance by Ethiopia of the OAU Framework Agreement;
5. Welcomes Eritrea’s engagement with the OAU process, notes the factthat the OAU has responded to Eritrea’s request for clarifications of theFramework Agreement and, in this regard, strongly urges Eritrea to accept theFramework Agreement as the basis for a peaceful resolution of the border disputebetween Ethiopia and Eritrea without delay;
6. Calls on both parties to work for a reduction in tensions by adoptingpolicies leading to the restoration of confidence between the Governments andpeoples of Ethiopia and Eritrea, including urgent measures to improve thehumanitarian situation and respect for human rights;
7. Strongly urges Ethiopia and Eritrea to maintain their commitment to apeaceful resolution of the border dispute and calls upon them in the strongestterms to exercise maximum restraint and to refrain from taking any militaryaction;
8. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s continued engagement in support ofthe OAU peace process;
9. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3973rd meeting,on 29 January 1999.
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