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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1233 – Guinea-Bissau

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1233 – Guinea-Bissau

Resolution 1233 (1999)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolution of 21 December 1998 (S/RES/1216 (1998)) and thestatements of its President of 6 November 1998 (S/PRST/1998/31),30 November 1998 (S/PRST/1998/35) and 29 December 1998 (S/PRST/1998/38),

Gravely concerned at the security and humanitarian situation inGuinea-Bissau,

Expressing its firm commitment to preserving the unity, sovereignty,political independence and territorial integrity of Guinea-Bissau,

Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General of 17 March 1999 (S/1999/294)and the observations contained therein,

Noting with appreciation the formal undertaking by the President of Guinea-Bissau and the leader of the Self-Proclaimed Military Junta on 17 February 1999 never again to resort to arms (S/1999/173),

Welcoming the establishment and swearing-in on 20 February 1999 of the new Government of National Unity in Guinea-Bissau which constitutes a significantstep forward in the peace process,

Noting with concern that serious obstacles continue to hamper the effectivefunctioning of the new Government, including in particular, the failure of civilservants and other professional cadres seeking refuge in other countries toreturn,

Welcoming the deployment of troops constituting the Interposition Force ofthe Military Observer Group of the Economic Community of West African States(ECOMOG) by States in the region to implement their peacekeeping mandate and thewithdrawal of all foreign forces from Guinea-Bissau pursuant to the AbujaAgreement of 1 November 1998 (S/1998/1028, annex),

Reiterating the need to conduct general and presidential elections pursuantto the Abuja Agreement and in accordance with national constitutional requirements as soon as possible, and noting the expression by the parties of their firm interest in having elections held as soon as possible,

  1. Reiterates that the primary responsibility for achieving lasting peacein Guinea-Bissau rests with the parties and strongly calls upon them toimplement fully all the provisions of the Abuja Agreement and subsequentundertakings;
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2. Commends the parties for the steps taken so far in the implementationof the Abuja Agreement, in particular the establishment of the new Government ofNational Unity, and strongly urges them to adopt and implement all measuresnecessary to ensure the smooth functioning of the new Government and all otherinstitutions, including in particular confidence-building measures and measuresto encourage the early return of refugees and internally displaced persons;

3. Commends also the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP),member States of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) andleaders in and outside the region, in particular the President of the Republicof Togo in his capacity as Chairman of ECOWAS, for the key role they are playingto bring about national reconciliation and to consolidate peace and securitythroughout Guinea-Bissau;

4. Expresses its appreciation to those States which have already providedassistance for the deployment of ECOMOG in Guinea-Bissau;

5. Reiterates its urgent appeal to all States and regional organizationsto make financial contributions to ECOMOG, including through the United Nationstrust fund established to support peacekeeping in Guinea-Bissau, to providetechnical and logistical support to assist ECOMOG to carry out its peacekeepingmandate and to help facilitate the full implementation of all the provisions ofthe Abuja Agreement, and to that end invites the Secretary-General to considerconvening a meeting in New York with the participation of ECOWAS in order toassess the needs of ECOMOG and to examine ways in which contributions could bemobilized and channelled;

6. Calls upon the parties concerned promptly to agree on a date for theholding of elections as soon as possible which are all-inclusive, free and fair,and invites the United Nations and others to consider, as appropriate, providingany needed electoral assistance;

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7. Supports the decision of the Secretary-General to establish aPost-Conflict Peace Building Support Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNOGBIS) under theleadership of a Representative of the Secretary-General (S/1999/233) which willprovide the political framework and leadership for harmonizing and integratingthe activities of the United Nations system in Guinea-Bissau during thetransitional period leading up to general and presidential elections and willfacilitate, in close cooperation with the parties concerned, ECOWAS, ECOMOG aswell as other national and international partners, the implementation of theAbuja Agreement;

8. Encourages all agencies, programmes, offices and funds of the UnitedNations system, including the Bretton Woods institutions, as well as otherinternational partners to lend their support to UNOGBIS and to theRepresentative of the Secretary-General in order to establish, together with theGovernment of Guinea-Bissau, a comprehensive, concerted and coordinated approachto peace-building in Guinea-Bissau;

9. Reiterates the need for the simultaneous disarmament and encampment ofex-belligerent troops, welcomes the progress made by ECOMOG in that regard, andstrongly urges the parties to continue to cooperate through the SpecialCommission established for that purpose, to conclude expeditiously these tasksand to create conditions for the reunification of the national armed andsecurity forces;

10. Emphasizes the need for urgent demining of affected areas to pave theway for the return of refugees and displaced persons and for the resumption ofagricultural activities, encourages ECOMOG to continue its demining activitiesand calls upon States to provide the necessary assistance for demining;

11. Calls upon all concerned to respect strictly the relevant provisionsof international law, including international humanitarian law and human rightslaw, to ensure safe and unimpeded access by humanitarian organizations to thosein need and to ensure the protection and freedom of movement of United Nationsand international humanitarian personnel;

12. Reiterates its appeal to States and organizations concerned to provideurgent humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons and refugees;

See also  United Nations Security Council Resolution 1738 – Protection of civilians in armed conflict

13. Welcomes the planned round-table conference of donors on Guinea-Bissauto be held in Geneva on 4-5 May 1999, under the sponsorship of UNDP, to mobilizeassistance for, inter alia, humanitarian needs, consolidation of peace andsocio-economic rehabilitation of Guinea-Bissau;

14. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council regularlyinformed and to submit a report to it by 30 June 1999 and every 90 days thereafter on developments in Guinea-Bissau, the activities of UNOGBIS and theimplementation of the Abuja Agreement, including the implementation by ECOMOG ofits mandate;

15. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3991st meeting,on 6 April 1999.

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