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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1246 – Timor

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1246 – Timor

Resolution 1246 (1999)

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions on the situation in East Timor, in particular resolution 1236 (1999) of 7 May 1999,

Recalling the Agreement between Indonesia and Portugal on the question ofEast Timor of 5 May 1999 (the General Agreement) and the Agreements between theUnited Nations and the Governments of Indonesia and Portugal of the same dateregarding the modalities for the popular consultation of the East Timorese through a direct ballot and regarding security arrangements (the SecurityAgreement) (S/1999/513, annexes I-III),

Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General on the Question of East Timor of 22 May 1999 (S/1999/595),

Noting with concern the assessment of the Secretary-General contained in that report that the security situation in East Timor remains “extremely tenseand volatile”,

Taking note of the pressing need for reconciliation between the various competing factions within East Timor,

Welcoming the fruitful cooperation of the Government of Indonesia and thelocal authorities in East Timor with the United Nations,

Taking note of the letter from the Permanent Representative of Portugal tothe United Nations to the President of the Security Council of 7 June 1999(S/1999/652),

Welcoming the conclusion of consultations between the Government ofIndonesia and the United Nations on the deployment of military liaison officerswithin the mission established by this resolution,

Bearing in mind the sustained efforts of the Governments of Indonesia andPortugal since July 1983, through the good offices of the Secretary-General, tofind a just, comprehensive and internationally acceptable solution to thequestion of East Timor,

Welcoming the appointment of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the East Timor Popular Consultation, and reiterating its support forthe efforts of the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for East Timor,

  1. Decides to establish until 31 August 1999 the United Nations Missionin East Timor (UNAMET) to organize and conduct a popular consultation, scheduled for 8 August 1999, on the basis of a direct, secret and universal ballot, inorder to ascertain whether the East Timorese people accept the proposed constitutional framework providing for a special autonomy for East Timor within the unitary Republic of Indonesia or reject the proposed special autonomy forEast Timor, leading to East Timor’s separation from Indonesia, in accordancewith the General Agreement and to enable the Secretary-General to discharge his responsibility under paragraph 3 of the Security Agreement;
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2. Authorizes until 31 August 1999 the deployment within UNAMET of up to280 civilian police officers to act as advisers to the Indonesian Police in thedischarge of their duties and, at the time of the consultation, to supervise theescort of ballot papers and boxes to and from the polling sites;

3. Authorizes until 31 August 1999 the deployment within UNAMET of50 military liaison officers to maintain contact with the Indonesian ArmedForces in order to allow the Secretary-General to discharge his responsibilitiesunder the General Agreement and the Security Agreement;

4. Endorses the Secretary-General’s proposal that UNAMET should alsoincorporate the following components:

(a) a political component responsible for monitoring the fairness of thepolitical environment, for ensuring the freedom of all political and othernon-governmental organizations to carry out their activities freely and formonitoring and advising the Special Representative on all matters with politicalimplications,

(b) an electoral component responsible for all activities related toregistration and voting,

(c) an information component responsible for explaining to the East Timorese people, in an objective and impartial manner without prejudice to any position or outcome, the terms of the General Agreement and the proposed autonomy framework, for providing information on the process and procedure of the vote and for explaining the implications of a vote in favour or against theproposal;

5. Notes the intention of the Governments of Indonesia and Portugal tosend an equal number of representatives to observe all the operational phases ofthe consultation process both inside and outside East Timor;

6. Welcomes the intention of the Secretary-General to conclude with theGovernment of Indonesia, as soon as possible, a status-of-mission agreement andurges the early conclusion of negotiations with a view to the full and timelydeployment of UNAMET;

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7. Calls upon all parties to cooperate with UNAMET in the implementationof its mandate, and to ensure the security and freedom of movement of its staffin carrying out that mandate in all areas of East Timor;

8. Approves the modalities for the implementation of the popular consultation process scheduled for 8 August 1999 as set out in paragraphs 15 to18 of the report of the Secretary-General of 22 May 1999;

9. Stresses once again the responsibility of the Government of Indonesiato maintain peace and security in East Timor, in particular in the presentsecurity situation referred to in the report of the Secretary-General, in orderto ensure that the popular consultation is carried out in a fair and peacefulway and in an atmosphere free of intimidation, violence or interference from anyside and to ensure the safety and security of United Nations and otherinternational staff and observers in East Timor;

10. Welcomes in this regard the decision taken by the Government ofIndonesia to establish a ministerial team to monitor and ensure the security ofthe popular consultation in accordance with Article 3 of the General Agreementand paragraph 1 of the Security Agreement;

11. Condemns all acts of violence from whatever quarter and calls for anend to such acts and the laying down of arms by all armed groups in East Timor,for the necessary steps to achieve disarmament and for further steps in order to ensure a secure environment devoid of violence or other forms of intimidation,which is a prerequisite for the holding of a free and fair ballot in East Timor;

12. Requests all parties to ensure that conditions exist for thecomprehensive implementation of the popular consultation, with the fullparticipation of the East Timorese people;

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13. Urges that every effort be made to make the Commission on Peace andStability operative, and in particular stresses the need for the Indonesianauthorities to provide security and personal protection for members of theCommission in cooperation with UNAMET;

14. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council closely informed of the situation, and to continue to report to it every fourteen days on the implementation of its resolutions and of the Tripartite Agreements and on the security situation in East Timor;

15. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4013th meeting,on 11 June 1999.

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