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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1274 – Tajikistan

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1274 – Tajikistan

Resolution 1274 (1999)

The Security Council,

Recalling all its relevant resolutions and the statements of its President,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the situation inTajikistan of 4 November 1999 (S/1999/1127),

Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity ofthe Republic of Tajikistan and to the inviolability of its borders,

Welcoming significant progress in the peace process in Tajikistan,particularly the holding of the constitutional referendum which followed the official declaration by the United Tajik Opposition (UTO) of the disbandment ofits armed units and the decision by the Supreme Court of Tajikistan lifting the bans and restrictions on activities by the political parties and movements ofthe UTO, and noting with satisfaction that these developments have setTajikistan on the course of national reconciliation and democratization,

Welcoming also the renewed efforts of the President of the Republic ofTajikistan and the leadership of the Commission on National Reconciliation (CNR)to advance and to expedite the implementation of the General Agreement on theEstablishment of Peace and National Accord in Tajikistan (S/1997/510), which have helped to contain emerging controversies and to reach the importantmilestones envisaged in the General Agreement,

Acknowledging the holding of the presidential elections on 6 November 1999as a necessary and important step towards durable peace in Tajikistan,

Welcoming further the maintenance of close contact by the United NationsMission of Observers in Tajikistan (UNMOT) with the parties, as well as itscooperative liaison with the Collective Peacekeeping Forces of the Commonwealthof Independent States (the CIS Peacekeeping Forces), the Russian border forcesand the Mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe(OSCE),

Noting with appreciation the continued contribution of the Contact Group of Guarantor States and International Organizations to the peace process, in particularly through periodic joint plenary meetings with the CNR to review progress and to help to overcome difficulties in the implementation of the General Agreement,

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Welcoming the fact that the general situation in Tajikistan has remained relatively calm with better security than in earlier periods, while noting thatthe situation in some parts of the country remained tense,

Recognizing that comprehensive international support remains crucial for achieving a positive outcome of the peace process in Tajikistan,

  1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General of 4 November 1999;

2. Calls upon the parties to undertake further concerted measures toimplement fully the General Agreement, especially all the provisions of theProtocol on military issues (S/1997/209, annex II), and to create conditions forthe timely holding of parliamentary elections, underlines the necessity of thefull resumption of the work of the CNR, and reiterates its encouragement to theCNR to intensify its efforts to broaden a dialogue among the various politicalforces in the country in the interests of the restoration and strengthening ofcivil accord in Tajikistan;

3. Welcomes the signing on 5 November 1999 by the President of Tajikistanand the Chairman of the CNR of the Protocol on political guarantees during thepreparation for and holding of the elections to the Majlis-i Oli (theparliament) of the Republic of Tajikistan (S/1999/1159, annex), and, bearing inmind concerns expressed by the Secretary-General in his report regards thestrict implementation of this Protocol as essential for the successful holdingof free, fair and democratic parliamentary elections under internationalmonitoring as foreseen in the General Agreement;

4. Notes with appreciation the work of the new Special Representative ofthe Secretary-General and of all the personnel of UNMOT, encourages them tocontinue assisting the parties in the implementation of the General Agreement,reiterates the need for the Mission to operate throughout Tajikistan and to havethe necessary personnel and financial support, and requests the Secretary-General to continue to consider means of ensuring a full and active role forUNMOT in the implementation of the General Agreement;

5. Reiterates the importance of the involvement of the United Nations, incontinued close cooperation with the OSCE, in the preparations for and monitoring of the parliamentary elections in Tajikistan, which will be the last major event of the transitional period envisaged in the General Agreement;

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6. Supports the continued active involvement of the Contact Group in thepeace process;

7. Welcomes the continued contribution made by the CIS PeacekeepingForces in assisting the parties in the implementation of the General Agreementin coordination with all concerned;

8. Calls upon the parties to cooperate further in ensuring the securityand freedom of movement of the personnel of the United Nations, the CISPeacekeeping Forces and other international personnel, and reminds the partiesthat the ability of the international community to mobilize and to continueassistance for Tajikistan is linked to the security of those personnel;

9. Expresses its deep concern at the precarious humanitarian situation in Tajikistan, and welcomes the assistance provided by Member States, international organizations and humanitarian workers towards the implementation of the General Agreement and addressing the humanitarian, rehabilitation and development needs of Tajikistan;

10. Calls upon Member States and others concerned to make voluntarycontributions to launch projects for demobilization and reintegration and toprovide support for the elections, and to continue to respond promptly andgenerously to the consolidated inter-agency appeal for Tajikistan for 1999, andwelcomes the preparation of a new appeal for 2000 as a strategic document thatwill guide a gradual transition to a more development-oriented focus;

11. Decides to extend the mandate of UNMOT for a period of six monthsuntil 15 May 2000;

12. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Council informed of allsignificant developments, also requests him to submit after the parliamentaryelections and within four months of the adoption of this resolution an interimreport on its implementation, and supports his intention to outline in theabove-mentioned report the future political role for the United Nations inassisting Tajikistan to continue on the path of peace and nationalreconciliation and contributing to the democratic development of Tajik societyafter the mandate of UNMOT is concluded;

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13. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4064th meeting,on 12 November 1999.

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