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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1344 – Situation between Eritrea and Ethiopia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1344 – Situation between Eritrea and Ethiopia

Resolution 1344 (2001)

The Security Council,

Recalling resolutions 1298 (2000) of 17 May 2000, 1308 (2000) of 17 July2000, 1312 (2000) of 31 July 2000, and 1320 (2000) of 15 September 2000, thestatement of its President of 9 February 2001 (S/PRST/4), and all relevant previous resolutions and statements of its President pertaining to the Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict,

Reaffirming the commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty,independence and territorial integrity of Ethiopia and Eritrea,

Further reaffirming the need for both parties to fulfil all of their obligations under international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law,

Recalling the relevant principles contained in the Convention on the Safety ofUnited Nations and Associated Personnel adopted by the General Assembly in itsresolution 49/59 of 9 December 1994,

Reaffirming its strong support for the Agreement of Cessation of Hostilities signed between the Government of the State of Eritrea and the Government of theFederal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Algiers on 18 June 2000 (S/2000/601)and the subsequent Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed by the parties inAlgiers on 12 December 2000 (S/2000/1183),

Welcoming the progress made thus far in the implementation of these agreements,

Reaffirming its strong support for the Secretary-General’s role in continuing tohelp implement the Agreements, including through his good offices, for thecontinuing efforts of his Special Representative and for the contributions of relevantUnited Nations entities,

Expressing its strong support for the role played by the United Nations Missionin Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) in the implementation of its mandate,

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Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 7 March 2001(S/2001/202),

  1. Decides to extend the mandate of UNMEE at the troop and militaryobserver levels authorized by its resolution 1320 (2000) until 15 September 2001;

2. Calls on the parties to continue working towards the full and promptimplementation of their Agreements, including an expeditious completion of theremaining steps, in particular the rearrangement of forces necessary for theestablishment of the Temporary Security Zone, and to fulfil the followingobligations:

a. to ensure freedom of movement and access for UNMEE;

b. to establish a direct air corridor between Addis Ababa and Asmara in the interests of the safety of United Nations personnel;

c. to conclude Status of Forces Agreements with the Secretary-General;d. to facilitate mine action in coordination with the United Nations Mine Action Service, in particular through exchanging and providing existing maps and any other relevant information to the United Nations;

3. Stresses that the Agreements link the termination of the United Nations peacekeeping mission with the completion of the process of delimitation and demarcation of the Ethiopia-Eritrea border, which is a key element of the peaceprocess;

4. Notes the primary responsibility of the parties under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement to fund the Boundary Commission and urges them to fulfil their financial obligations in this regard;

5. Stresses the importance of the close relationship between UNMEE andthe Boundary Commission and, noting the recommendations contained inparagraphs 50 and 53 of the Secretary-General’s report, encourages UNMEE toprovide appropriate support to the Boundary Commission;

6. Decides to consider the recommendations in paragraphs 50 and 53 of theSecretary-General’s report upon receipt of more detailed information;

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7. Calls on all States and international organizations to consider providing further support to the peace process, including through contributions to the voluntary Trust Fund to facilitate the rapid delimitation and demarcation of the common border, as well as to assist and participate in the longer term tasks of reconstruction and development, and the economic and social recovery of Ethiopia and Eritrea;

8. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4294th meeting,on 15 March 2001.

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