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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1400 – Sierra Leone

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1400 – Sierra Leone

Resolution 1400 (2002)

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions and the statements of its President concerning the situation in Sierra Leone,

Affirming the commitment of all States to respect the sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of Sierra Leone,

Welcoming the meeting of the Mano River Union Presidents held in Rabat on 27 February 2002 at the invitation of His Majesty the King of Morocco,

Welcoming the further progress made in the peace process in Sierra Leone,including the lifting of the state of emergency, commending the positive role of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) in advancing the peace process, and calling for its further consolidation,

Encouraging the Mano River Union Women’s Peace Network and other civil society initiatives to continue their contribution towards regional peace,

Determining that the situation in Sierra Leone continues to constitute a threat to peace and security in this region,

Expressing its concern at the fragile situation in the Mano River region, the substantial increase in refugees and the humanitarian consequences for the civilian,refugee and internally displaced populations in the region,

Emphasizing the importance of free, fair, transparent and inclusive elections,and welcoming the progress made by the Government of Sierra Leone and the National Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone in preparing for elections,particularly with voter registration,

Reiterating the importance of the effective extension of State authority throughout the country, the reintegration of ex-combatants, voluntary and unhindered return of refugees and internally displaced persons, full respect for human rights and the rule of law, and effective action on impunity and accountability, paying special attention to the protection of women and children, and stressing continued United Nations support for the fulfilment of these objectives,

Welcoming the Agreement between the United Nations and the Government ofSierra Leone on the Establishment of a Special Court for Sierra Leone, and the recommendations of the Planning Mission on the Establishment of the Special Courtfor Sierra Leone (S/2002/246) and the report of the Secretary-General of 14 March2002 (S/2002/267) that UNAMSIL should provide administrative and relatedsupport to the Special Court,

Emphasizing the importance of the continuing support of UNAMSIL to the Government of Sierra Leone in the consolidation of peace and stability after the elections,

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Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 14 March 2002(S/2002/267),

  1. Decides that the mandate of UNAMSIL shall be extended for a period ofsix months from 30 March 2002;

2. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States providing troops and support elements to UNAMSIL and those who have made commitments to do so;

3. Welcomes the military concept of operations for UNAMSIL for 2002outlined in paragraph 10 of the Secretary-General’s report of 14 March 2002(S/2002/267), and requests the Secretary-General to inform the Council at regular intervals on progress made by UNAMSIL in the implementation of its key aspectsand in the planning of its subsequent phases;

4. Encourages the Government of Sierra Leone and the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) to strengthen their efforts towards full implementation of theCeasefire Agreement signed in Abuja on 10 November 2000 (S/2000/1091) between the Government of Sierra Leone and the RUF and reaffirmed at the meeting of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the United Nations, the Government of Sierra Leone and the RUF at Abuja on 2 May 2001;

5. Encourages the Government of Sierra Leone and the RUF to continue to take steps towards furthering of dialogue and national reconciliation, and, in this regard, stresses the importance of the reintegration of the RUF into Sierra Leonesociety and the transformation of the RUF into a political party, and demands theimmediate and transparent dismantling of all non-government military structures;

6. Welcomes the formal completion of the disarmament process, expresses concern at the serious financial shortfall in the multi-donor Trust Fund for the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme, and urges the Government of Sierra Leone to seek actively the urgently needed additionalresources for reintegration;

7. Emphasizes that the development of the administrative capacities of the Government of Sierra Leone is essential to sustainable peace and development, andto the holding of free and fair elections, and therefore urges the Government ofSierra Leone, with the assistance of UNAMSIL, in accordance with its mandate, toaccelerate the restoration of civil authority and public services throughout thecountry, in particular in the diamond mining areas, including the deployment of keygovernment personnel and police and the deployment of the Sierra Leone Army onborder security tasks, and calls on States, international organizations and non-governmental organizations to assist in the wide range of recovery efforts;

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8. Welcomes the establishment of the electoral component of UNAMSIL and the recruitment of 30 additional civilian police advisers to support the Government of Sierra Leone and the Sierra Leone police in preparing for elections;

9. Welcomes the signature on 16 January 2002 of the Agreement between the Government of Sierra Leone and the United Nations on the Establishment of a Special Court for Sierra Leone, as envisaged by resolution 1315 (2000) of 14 August 2000, urges donors urgently to disburse their pledges to the Trust Fund forthe Special Court, looks forward to the Court expeditiously beginning its operationsand endorses UNAMSIL’s providing, without prejudice to its capabilities to performits specified mandate, administrative and related support to the Special Court on acost-reimbursable basis;

10. Welcomes progress made by the Government of Sierra Leone, together with the Secretary-General, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and other relevant international actors, in establishing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and urges donors urgently to commit funds to it;

11. Welcomes the summit meeting of the Mano River Union Presidents heldin Rabat on 27 February 2002, urges the Presidents to continue dialogue and to implement their commitments to building regional peace and security, and encourages the ongoing efforts of ECOWAS towards a lasting and final settlementof the crisis in the Mano River Union region;

12. Expresses its serious concern at the violence, particularly sexual violence, suffered by women and children during the conflict in Sierra Leone, and emphasizes the importance of addressing these issues effectively;

13. Expresses its serious concern at the evidence UNAMSIL has found ofhuman rights abuses and breaches of humanitarian law set out in paragraphs 38 to40 of the Secretary-General’s report of 14 March 2002 (S/2002/267), encouragesUNAMSIL to continue its work and in this context requests the Secretary-General toprovide a further assessment in his September report, particularly regarding thesituation of women and children who have suffered during the conflict;

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14. Expresses its serious concern at allegations that some United Nations personnel may have been involved in sexual abuse of women and children in campsfor refugees and internally displaced people in the region, supports the Secretary-General’s policy of zero tolerance for such abuse, looks forward to the Secretary-General’s report on the outcome of the investigation into these allegations, andrequests him to make recommendations on how to prevent any such crimes in future,while calling on States concerned to take the necessary measures to bring to justicetheir own nationals responsible for such crimes;

15. Encourages the continued support of UNAMSIL, within its capabilities and areas of deployment, for returning refugees and displaced persons, and urges all stakeholders to continue to cooperate to this end to fulfil their commitments underthe Abuja Ceasefire Agreement;

16. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s intention to keep the security, political,humanitarian and human rights situation in Sierra Leone under close review and to report to the Council, after due consultations with troop-contributing countries, with any additional recommendations, and requests in particular the Secretary-General to submit before 30 June 2002 an interim report assessing the post-electoral situation and the prospects for peace consolidation;

17. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4500th meeting, on 28 March 2002.

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