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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1436 – Sierra Leone

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1436 – Sierra Leone

Resolution 1436 (2002)

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions and the statements of its President concerning the situation in Sierra Leone,

Affirming the commitment of all States to respect the sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of Sierra Leone,

Welcoming the peaceful elections held in Sierra Leone in May 2002 and commending the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) for the support it provided,

Expressing its concern at the continuing fragile security situation in the Mano River region, particularly the conflict in Liberia, and at the substantial number of refugees and the humanitarian consequences for the civilian, refugee and internally displaced populations in the region, and emphasizing the importance of cooperation among the countries of the Mano River Union,

Reiterating the importance of the effective consolidation of State authority throughout Sierra Leone, the extension of effective State control over and regulation of the diamond fields, the reintegration of ex-combatants, voluntary and unhindered return of refugees and internally displaced persons, and full respect for human rightsand the rule of law, paying special attention to the protection of women andchildren, and stressing continued United Nations support to the Government ofSierra Leone in fulfilling these objectives,

Welcoming the launch of the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and emphasizing their importance in taking effective action on impunity and accountability and in promoting reconciliation,

Welcoming the progress made in developing the capacity of the Sierra Leone Police and armed forces, but recognizing the need for further strengthening to enable them to maintain security and stability independently,

Emphasizing the importance of the continuing support of UNAMSIL to theGovernment of Sierra Leone in the consolidation of peace and stability,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 5 September 2002(S/2002/987), particularly its proposals for adjustments to the strength ofUNAMSIL, and stressing the need for UNAMSIL to maintain an appropriate levelof military capability and mobility while these adjustments are made,

  1. Decides that the mandate of UNAMSIL shall be extended for a period ofsix months from 30 September 2002;
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2. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States providing troops,civilian police personnel and support elements to UNAMSIL and those who havemade commitments to do so;

3. Takes note of the Secretary-General’s proposals for adjustments to the size, composition and deployment of UNAMSIL, as outlined in paragraphs 26 to 36and 58 of his report of 5 September 2002 (S/2002/987), and notes the improvements in the security situation in Sierra Leone;

4. Urges UNAMSIL, guided by an evaluation of the security situation andthe capacity of the Sierra Leonean security sector to take responsibility for internal and external security, to complete phases 1 and 2 of the Secretary-General’s plan,including a reduction of 4,500 troops within eight months, taking into account the necessary arrangements that need to be completed, and requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council at the end of each phase, and at regular intervals, on the progress made by UNAMSIL in implementing the adjustments and in the planning of subsequent phases, and to make any necessary recommendations;

5. Expresses concern at the continuing financial shortfall in the multi-donor Trust Fund for the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme, andurges the Government of Sierra Leone to seek actively the urgently neededadditional resources for reintegration;

6. Welcomes the National Recovery Strategy of the Government of Sierra Leone and calls on States, international organizations and non-governmentalorganizations to assist in the wide range of recovery efforts and to pledge additionalfinancial support in the context of the forthcoming Consultative Group meeting;

7. Emphasizes that the development of the administrative capacities of the Government of Sierra Leone, particularly an effective and sustainable police force,army, penal system and independent judiciary, is essential to long-term peace anddevelopment, and therefore urges the Government of Sierra Leone, with theassistance of donors and of UNAMSIL, in accordance with its mandate, toaccelerate the consolidation of civil authority and public services throughout thecountry, and to strengthen the operational effectiveness of the security sector;

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8. Notes the efforts made by the Government of Sierra Leone towards effective control of the diamond mining areas, expresses concern about the continuing volatility there and urges the Government of Sierra Leone to set out andimplement urgently a policy to regulate and control diamond mining activities;

9. Emphasizes the importance of a coordinated approach to strengthening the Sierra Leone Police, based on a detailed analysis of its training and development needs, led by a steering committee chaired by the Sierra Leone Police, notes theSecretary-General’s recommendations on enhancing the role of the United Nations civilian police to support this process, supports the deployment of up to 170 civilian police in UNAMSIL, to be recruited as necessary on the recommendation of the steering committee, and requests the Secretary-General to update the Council in his next report on the deployment of United Nations civilian police in the light of the steering committee’s decisions;

10. Reiterates its strong support for the Special Court for Sierra Leone,welcomes the start of the Court’s operations, encourages donors to contribute generously to the Trust Fund for the Special Court and to disburse existing pledges rapidly, and urges UNAMSIL to negotiate rapidly a memorandum of understanding with the Special Court in order to provide all necessary administrative and relatedsupport promptly, as requested in paragraph 9 of resolution 1400 (2002), includingon the identification and securing of crime scenes;

11. Welcomes progress made in establishing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and urges donors urgently to commit funds to its revised budget;

12. Encourages the Presidents of the Mano River Union to continue dialogue and to implement their commitments to building regional peace and security, and encourages the renewed efforts of the Economic Community of West African States And Morocco towards a settlement of the crisis in the Mano River Union region;

13. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s commitment to finding a solution to the conflict in Liberia, so as to build peace in the sub region, including through the establishment of a contact group, demands that the armed forces of Liberia and any armed groups refrain from illegal incursions into the territory of Sierra Leone, calls upon all States to comply fully with all relevant resolutions of the Council,including the embargo on all deliveries of weapons and military equipment toLiberia, and encourages the Sierra Leonean armed forces, together with UNAMSIL,to maintain intensive patrolling of the border with Liberia;

See also  United Nations Security Council Resolution 683 – Pacific Islands (Trust Territory)

14. Encourages the Government of Sierra Leone to pay special attention tothe needs of women and children affected by the war, as outlined in paragraphs 47 to48 of the report of the Secretary-General of 5 September 2002 (S/2002/987);

15. Welcomes the steps taken by UNAMSIL to prevent sexual abuse andexploitation of women and children and encourages UNAMSIL to continue to enforce the policy of zero tolerance for any such acts perpetrated by anyone employed by UNAMSIL, while calling on States concerned to take the necessary measures to bring to justice their own nationals responsible for such crimes;

16. Encourages the continued support of UNAMSIL, within its capabilities and areas of deployment, for the voluntary return of refugees and displaced persons,and urges all stakeholders to continue to cooperate to this end to fulfil their commitments under the Abuja Ceasefire Agreement of 10 November 2000(S/2000/1091);

17. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s intention to keep the security, political,humanitarian and human rights situation in Sierra Leone under close review and toreport to the Council, after due consultations with troop-contributing countries andthe Government of Sierra Leone, with any additional recommendations;

18. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4615th meeting,on 24 September 2002.

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