Home » United Nations » United Nations Security Council Resolution 144 – Complaint by Cuba (July 1960)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 144 – Complaint by Cuba (July 1960)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 144 – Complaint by Cuba (July 1960)

144 (1960). Resolution of 19 July 1960

The Security Council,

Having heard the statements made by the Foreign Minister of Cuba and by members of the Council,

Taking into account the provisions of Articles 24, 33, 34, 35, 36, 52 and 103 of the Charter of the United Nations,

Taking into account also articles 20 and 102 of the Charter of the Organization of American States, of which both Cuba and the United States of America are members,

Deeply concerned at the situation existing between Cuba and the United States of America,

Considering that it is the obligation of all Members of the United Nations to settle their international disputes by negotiation and other peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered,

Noting that this situation is under consideration by the Organization of American States,

  1. Decides to adjourn the consideration of this ques-tion pending the receipt of a report from the Organiza-tion of American States;

2. Invites the members of the Organization of Ame-rican States to lend their assistance toward the achievement of a peaceful solution of the present situation in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations;

3. Urges in the meantime all other States to refrain from any action which might increase the existing tensions between Cuba and the United States of America.

Adopted at the 876th meeting by 9 votes to none, with 1 abstentions (Poland, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

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