United Nations Security Council Resolution 1547 – Report of the Secretary-General on the Sudan (S/2004/453)
Resolution 1547 (2004)
The Security Council,
Welcoming the signature of the Declaration on 5 June 2004 in Nairobi, Kenya,in which the parties confirmed their agreement to the six protocols signed betweenthe Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army(SPLM/A), and reconfirmed their commitment to completing the remaining stagesof negotiations,
Commending the work, and continued support of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), in particular the Government of Kenya as Chair Of the Subcommittee on Sudan, in facilitating the peace talks, and recognizing the efforts of the Civilian Protection Monitoring Team, the Joint Military Commission In the Nuba Mountains and the Verification and Monitoring Team supporting the peace process, and expressing its hope that IGAD will continue to play a vital role during the transitional period,
Reaffirming its support for the Machakos Protocol of 20 July 2002 andsubsequent agreements based on this Protocol,
Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty, independence and unity of Sudan,
Recalling the statements by its President (S/PRST/2003/16) of 10 October2003 and (S/PRST/2004/18) of 25 May 2004,
Condemning all acts of violence and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law by all parties and expressing its utmost concern at the consequences of the prolonged conflict for the civilian population of Sudan,including women, children, refugees and internally displaced persons,
Urging the two parties involved to conclude speedily a Comprehensive Peace Agreement and believing that the progress now being made in the Naivasha Process Will contribute to improved stability and peace in Sudan,
Welcoming the Secretary-General’s report (S/2004/453) of 7 June 2004,
- Welcomes the Secretary-General’s proposal to establish, for an initialperiod of three months and under the authority of an SRSG, a United Nationsadvance team in Sudan as a special political mission, dedicated to preparation of the international monitoring foreseen in the 25 September 2003 Naivasha Agreement onSecurity Arrangements, to facilitate contacts with the parties concerned and toprepare for the introduction of a peace support operation following the signing of aComprehensive Peace Agreement;
2. Endorses the Secretary-General’s proposals for the staffing of the advance team and requests in this regard the Secretary-General to conclude all necessary agreements with the Government of Sudan as expeditiously as possible;
3. Declares its readiness to consider establishing a United Nations peacesupport operation to support the implementation of a Comprehensive PeaceAgreement, and requests the Secretary-General to submit to the Councilrecommendations for the size, structure, and mandate of this operation, as soon aspossible after the signing of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement;
4. Requests the Secretary-General, pending signature of a ComprehensivePeace Agreement to take the necessary preparatory steps, including, in particular,pre-positioning the most critical logistical and personnel requirements to facilitatethe rapid deployment of the above-mentioned possible operation principally to assistthe parties in monitoring and verifying compliance with the terms of aComprehensive Peace Agreement as well as to prepare for the Organization’s roleduring the transitional period in Sudan;
5. Underlines the need for an effective public information capacity,including through local and national radio, television and newspaper channels, topromote understanding of the peace process and the role a United Nations peacesupport operation will play among local communities and the parties;
6. Endorses the conclusions of the Secretary-General with regard to the situation in Sudan, in particular Darfur and the Upper Nile set out in paragraph 22 ofhis report, calls upon the parties to use their influence to bring an immediate halt tothe fighting in the Darfur region, in the Upper Nile and elsewhere, urges the partiesto the Ndjamena Ceasefire Agreement of 8 April 2004 to conclude a politicalagreement without delay, welcomes African Union efforts to that end, and calls onthe international community to be prepared for constant engagement includingextensive funding in support of peace in Sudan;
7. Requests the Secretary-General to keep it informed of developments in Sudan, particularly on the Naivasha negotiation process, the implementation of the peace process and the execution by the advance team of its mandate, and to submit a report to the Council no later than three months after adoption of this resolution;
8. Decides to remain seized of the matter.
Adopted by the Security Council at its 4988th meeting,on 11 June 2004.