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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1574 – Sudan

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1574 – Sudan

Resolution 1574 (2004)

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 1547 (2004) of 11 June 2004, 1556 (2004) of 30 July2004 and 1564 (2004) of 18 September 2004 and the statements of its Presidentconcerning Sudan,

Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty, unity, independence and territorial integrity of Sudan, and recalling the importance of the principles of good-neighbourliness, non-interference and regional cooperation,

Reaffirming also its support for the Machakos Protocol of 20 July 2002 andsubsequent agreements based on this protocol,

Expressing its determination to help the people of Sudan to promote national reconciliation, lasting peace and stability, and to build a prosperous and united Sudan in which human rights are respected and the protection of all citizens is assured,

Recalling that it welcomed the signature of the Declaration on 5 June 2004 in Nairobi, Kenya, in which the parties confirmed their agreement to the six protocol signed between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army, and reconfirmed their commitment to completing the remaining stages of negotiations,

Commending again the work and continued support of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), in particular the Government of Kenya as Chair Of the Sub-Committee on Sudan, in facilitating the peace talks in Nairobi,recognizing the efforts of the Civilian Protection Monitoring Team, the Joint Military Commission in the Nuba Mountains and the Verification and Monitoring Team supporting the peace process, and expressing its hope that IGAD will continue to play a vital role during the transitional period,

Encouraging the parties to conclude speedily a Comprehensive Peace Agreement, and stressing the need for the international community, once such an agreement has been signed and implementation begins, to provide assistance towards its implementation,

Emphasizing that progress towards resolution of the conflict in Darfur wouldcreate conditions conducive for delivery of such assistance,

Expressing its serious concern at the growing insecurity and violence in Darfur, the dire humanitarian situation, continued violations of human rights and repeated breaches of the ceasefire, and reiterating in this regard the obligation of all parties to implement the commitments, referred to in its previous resolutions onSudan,

Condemning all acts of violence and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law by all parties, and emphasizing the need for perpetrators of all such crimes to be brought to justice without delay,

Recalling in this regard that all parties, including the Sudanese rebel groupssuch as the Justice and Equality Movement and the Sudanese Liberation Army, must respect human rights and international humanitarian law, and also recalling theprimary responsibility of the Sudanese Government to protect its population withinits territory and to maintain law and order, while respecting human rights,

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Stressing the importance of further progress towards resolving the crisis inDarfur, welcoming the vital and wide-ranging role being played by the African Union towards that end, and welcoming the Government of Sudan’s decision infavour of the expansion of the African Union Mission,

Taking note of the Secretary-General’s reports of 28 September 2004(S/2004/763) and 2 November 2004 (S/2004/881),

Deeply concerned by the situation in Sudan and its implications forinternational peace and security and stability in the region,

  1. Declares its strong support for the efforts of the Government of Sudanand the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army to reach a ComprehensivePeace Agreement, encourages the parties to redouble their efforts, welcomes thesigning of the Memorandum of Understanding in Nairobi on 19 November 2004entitled “Declaration on the conclusion of IGAD negotiations on peace in theSudan”, attached to this resolution, and the agreement that the six protocols referredto in the Nairobi Declaration of 5 June 2004 constitute and form the core Peace Agreement, and strongly endorses the parties’ commitment to reach a final comprehensive agreement by 31 December 2004 and expects that it will be fully and transparently implemented, with the appropriate international monitoring;

2. Declares its commitment, upon conclusion of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement, to assist the people of Sudan in their efforts to establish a peaceful,united and prosperous nation, on the understanding that the parties are fulfilling all their commitments, including those agreed in Abuja, Nigeria and Ndjamena, Chad;

3. Urges the Joint Assessment Mission of the United Nations, the World Bank and the parties, in association with other bilateral and multilateral donors, tocontinue their efforts to prepare for the rapid delivery of an assistance package forthe reconstruction and economic development of Sudan, including official development assistance, possible debt relief and trade access, to be implemented once a Comprehensive Peace Agreement has been signed and its implementation begins;

4. Welcomes the initiative of the Government of Norway to convene aninternational donors’ conference for the reconstruction and economic development of Sudan upon the signing of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement;

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5. Welcomes the continued operations of the Joint Military Commission, theCivilian Protection Monitoring Team, and the Verification and Monitoring Team, inanticipation of the implementation of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement and theestablishment of a United Nations peace support operation;

6. Reiterates its readiness, upon the signature of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement, to consider establishing a United Nations peace support operation to support the implementation of that agreement, and reiterates its request to theSecretary-General to submit to the Council, as soon as possible after the signing of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement, recommendations for the size, structure, mandateof such an operation, including also a timetable for its deployment;

7. Welcomes the preparatory work already carried out by the United Nation Advance Mission in Sudan (UNAMIS), established by its resolution 1547 (2004),endorses the proposals in the Secretary-General’s reports of 28 September 2004 and2 November 2004 to increase its staffing, extends the mandate of UNAMIS by afurther three months until 10 March 2005, and calls on the Sudan People’sLiberation Movement/Army to commit to full cooperation with UNAMIS,

8. Calls on all countries in the region to do their utmost to support actively the full and timely implementation of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement;

9. Emphasizes that a Comprehensive Peace Agreement will contribute towards sustainable peace and stability throughout Sudan and to the efforts to address the crisis in Darfur, and underlines the need for a national and inclusive approach, including the role of women, towards reconciliation and peace-building;

10. Underlines the importance of progress in peace talks in Abuja between the Government of Sudan and the Sudanese Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement towards resolving the crisis in Darfur, insists that all parties to the Abuja peace talks negotiate in good faith to reach agreement speedily, welcomes the signature of the Humanitarian and Security Protocols on 9 November 2004,urges the parties to implement these rapidly, and looks forward to the early signature of a Declaration of Principles with a view to a political settlement;

11. Demands that Government and rebel forces and all other armed groups immediately cease all violence and attacks, including abduction, refrain from forcible relocation of civilians, cooperate with international humanitarian relief and monitoring efforts, ensure that their members comply with international humanitarian law, facilitate the safety and security of humanitarian staff, and reinforce throughout their ranks their agreements to allow unhindered access and passage by humanitarian agencies and those in their employ, in accordance with its resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003 on the access of humanitarian workers topopulations in need and with the Abuja Protocols of 9 November 2004;

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12. In accordance with its previous resolutions on Sudan, decides to monitor compliance by the parties with their obligations in that regard and, subject to a further decision of the Council, to take appropriate action against any party failing to fulfil its commitments;

13. Strongly supports the decisions of the African Union to increase its mission in Darfur to 3,320 personnel and to enhance its mandate to include the tasks listed in paragraph 6 of the African Union Peace and Security Council’sCommuniqué of 20 October 2004, urges Member States to provide the required equipment, logistical, financial, material, and other necessary resources, and urges the Government of Sudan and all rebel groups in Darfur to cooperate fully with theAfrican Union;

14. Reiterates its call on Member States to provide urgent and generouscontributions to the humanitarian efforts under way in Sudan and Chad;

15. Calls on all parties to cooperate fully with the International Commission Of Inquiry established by the Secretary-General, as described in his letter of 4 October 2004 to the President of the Security Council (S/2004/812), the outcome of which will be communicated to the Security Council;

16. Reiterates the importance of deploying more human rights monitors to Darfur;

17. Requests the Secretary-General to keep it regularly informed of developments in Sudan, and to make any recommendations for action to ensure implementation of this resolution and its previous resolutions on Sudan;

18. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 5082nd meeting, on 19 November 2004 in Nairobi.

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