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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1689 – Liberia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1689 – Liberia

Resolution 1689 (2006)

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions and statements by its President on the situation in Liberia and West Africa,

Welcoming the rapid progress made by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf since January 2006, in rebuilding Liberia for the benefit of all Liberians, with the support of the international community,

Applauding the actions of President Sirleaf, Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, and others in the international community for their roles in transferring Charles Taylor to the Special Court for Sierra Leone,

Welcoming the Government of Liberia’s progress in implementing the Governance and Economic Management Assistance Program, designed to ensure prompt implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and to expedite the lifting of the measures imposed by resolution 1521 (2003),

Applauding the Government of Liberia’s commitment to transparent management of the country’s forestry resources for the benefit of Liberians and its reforms in the timber sector, including promulgating Executive Order No. 1, which declared all purported forest concessions null and void; creating a Forest Reform Monitoring Committee (FRMC); placing an internationally-recruited financial controller in the Forestry Development Authority, making progress towards implementing a management contract to ensure transparency in timber operations; establishing a mechanism for civil society to monitor the forestry sector; and drafting new forestry laws and regulations,

Stressing that Liberia’s progress in the timber sector is held back by the absence of appropriate forestry legislation, and urging speedy adoption of the necessary laws,

Taking note of President Sirleaf’s June 10 announcement of a moratorium on timber exports and new timber concessions pending the passage by the Liberian legislature of forestry legislation that respects Executive Order No. 1 of 2 February 2006, and that is consistent with the recommendations of the FRMC,

Welcoming the Government of Liberia’s continuing cooperation with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and noting Liberia’s progress towards compliance with the Kimberley Process,

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Stressing the continuing importance of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) in improving security throughout Liberia and helping the new Government establish its authority throughout the country, particularly in the diamond and timber-producing regions, and border areas,

Taking note of the report of the United Nations Panel of Experts on Liberia dated 7 June 2006 (S/2006/379),

Having reviewed the measures imposed and conditions set out by paragraphs 6 through 9 of resolution 1521 (2003) and concluding that insufficient progress has been made towards meeting those conditions,

Having reviewed the measures imposed and conditions set out by paragraphs 10 and 11 of resolution 1521 (2003), and concluding that sufficient progress has been made towards meeting those conditions,

Underlining its determination to support the Government of Liberia, and encouraging donors to do likewise,

Determining that the situation in Liberia continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

1. Decides not to renew the measure in paragraph 10 of resolution 1521 (2003) that obligates Member States to prevent the import into their territories of all round log and timber products originating in Liberia;

2. Decides to review the decision in paragraph one (1) after a period of ninety (90) days and expresses its determination to reinstate the measures in paragraph 10 of resolution 1521 (2003) unless the Council is informed by that time that the forestry legislation proposed by the FRMC has been passed;

3. Urges the speedy adoption of the forestry legislation proposed by the FRMC;

See also  United Nations Security Council Resolution 1532 – Liberia

4. Further decides that the measures imposed by paragraph 6 of resolution 1521 (2003) shall be renewed for an additional six (6) months with a review by the Council after four (4) months, to allow the Government of Liberia sufficient time to establish an effective Certificate of Origin regime for trade in Liberian rough diamonds that is transparent and internationally verifiable, with a view to joining the Kimberley Process, and calls upon the Government of Liberia to provide the Sanctions Committee, established according to paragraph 21 of resolution 1521 (2003) with a detailed description of the proposed regime;

5. Requests that the Secretary-General renew for an additional six (6) months the mandate of the Panel of Experts re-established according to paragraph 9 of resolution 1647 (2005), and requests that the Panel of Experts report to the Council through the Committee no later than 15 December 2006 its observations and recommendations;

6. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 5468th meeting, on 20 June 2006.

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