United Nations Security Council Resolution 1714 – Sudan
Resolution 1714 (2006)
The Security Council,
Recalling its previous resolutions, in particular resolutions 1709 (2006) of 22 September 2006, 1706 (2006) of 31 August 2006, 1679 (2006) of 16 May 2006, 1663 (2006) of 24 March 2006, 1653 (2006) of 27 January 2006, 1627 (2005) of 23 September 2005 and 1590 (2005) of 24 March 2005, and the statements of its President, in particular that of 3 February 2006, concerning the situation in the Sudan,
Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty, unity, independence, and territorial integrity of the Sudan and to the cause of peace,
Welcoming the progress in implementation of security arrangements by the parties of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 9 January 2005, and calling upon the parties to urgently accelerate progress on implementing these and other aspects of the Agreement,
Welcoming the full deployment of United Nations forces within the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) in those areas of operation in support of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, and acknowledging the commitment by troop-contributing countries in support of this mission,
Welcoming the improving humanitarian situation in southern Sudan resulting from progress on implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement,
Noting with concern the restrictions placed on UNMIS movements and materiel by the Government of Sudan and the adverse impact such restrictions have on UNMIS’ ability to perform its mandate effectively,
Expressing its grave concern over the recruitment and use of children in conflict in the Sudan, particularly by Other Armed Groups in southern Sudan,
Expressing its grave concern over the continued deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Darfur, and reiterating in the strongest terms the need for all parties to the conflict in Darfur, including non-parties to the Darfur Peace Agreement, to put an end to the violence and atrocities in that region,
Welcoming the decision of the 63rd meeting of the African Union Peace and Security Council of 20 September 2006 to extend the mandate of AMIS to 31 December 2006,
Encouraging the efforts of the Secretary-General and the African Union to implement those provisions of resolution 1706 (2006) on United Nations assistance to the African Union Mission in the Sudan (AMIS), and calling upon the parties to the Darfur Peace Agreement and all other parties in Darfur to facilitate this process,
Determining that the situation in the Sudan continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security,
- Decides to extend the mandate of UNMIS until 30 April 2007, with the intention to renew it for further periods;
2. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council every three months on the implementation of the mandate of UNMIS;
3. Calls upon the parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the Darfur Peace Agreement and the N’djamena Humanitarian Cease-fire Agreement to respect their commitments and implement fully all aspects of the Agreements without delay, and calls upon those parties that have not signed the Darfur Peace Agreement to do so without delay and not to act in any way that would impede implementation of the Agreement;
4. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
Adopted by the Security Council at its 5545th meeting, on 6 October 2006.
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