United Nations Security Council Resolution 1805 – Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts
Resolution 1805 (2008)
The Security Council,
Reaffirming that terrorism in all forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security and that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable regardless of their motivations, whenever and by whomsoever committed and remaining determined to contribute further to enhancing the effectiveness of the overall effort to fight this scourge on a global level,
Recalling resolution 1373 (2001) of 28 September 2001, which established the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), and recalling also its other resolutions concerning threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts,
Recalling, in particular, resolution 1535 (2004) of 26 March 2004 and resolution 1787 (2007) of 10 December 2007, which pertain to the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED),
Recalling further its previous reviews of CTED contained in Statements by the President of the Security Council, S/PRST/2005/64 of 21 December 2005 and S/PRST/2006/56 of 20 December 2006, and reaffirming its conclusions therein,
Welcoming the revised Organizational plan for CTED submitted by its Executive Director (S/2008/80) and the recommendations contained therein,
Noting with appreciation CTED’s emphasis on the guiding principles of cooperation, transparency and even-handedness, and its stated intention to adopt a more proactive communications strategy,
Underscoring the central role of the United Nations in the global fight against terrorism and welcoming the adoption by the General Assembly of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (A/60/288) of 8 September 2006 and the creation of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) to ensure overall coordination and coherence in the counter-terrorism efforts of the United Nations system,
Reminding States that they must ensure that any measures taken to combat terrorism comply with all their obligations under international law, and should adopt such measures, in accordance with international law, in particular, international human rights, refugee, and humanitarian law and recalling that CTED should continue in accordance with its mandate, to advise the CTC on issues relating to such law in connection with the identification and implementation of effective measures to implement resolutions 1373 (2001) and 1624 (2005),
- Underlines that the overarching goal of the CTC is to ensure the full implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) and recalls CTED’s crucial role in supporting the Committee in the fulfilment of its mandate;
2. Decides that CTED will continue to operate as a special political mission under the policy guidance of the CTC for the period ending 31 December 2010 and further decides to conduct an interim review by 30 June 2009, and a comprehensive consideration of CTED’s work prior to the expiration of its mandate;
3. Welcomes and affirms the endorsement by the CTC of the recommendations contained in the revised “Organizational plan for the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (S/2008/80)”;
4. Urges CTED to continue strengthening its role in facilitating technical assistance for implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) aimed at increasing the capabilities of Member States in the fight against terrorism by addressing their counter-terrorism needs;
5. Stresses the importance of a tailored dialogue among CTED, the CTC and Member States, including for the development of relevant implementation strategies by Member States, and encourages the CTC and CTED to arrange meetings with Member States in various formats;
6. Urges CTED also to intensify cooperation with relevant international, regional and subregional organizations with a view to enhancing Member States’ capacity to fully implement resolution 1373 (2001) and to facilitate the provision of technical assistance;
7. Encourages CTED to continue providing the necessary support for the work of the CTC with Member States towards comprehensive implementation of resolution 1624 (2005), as set out in paragraph 6 of that resolution;
8. Welcomes also the briefing by CTED’s Executive Director, looks forward to the “Global Implementation Survey of resolution 1373 (2001)”, and directs the CTC to submit an annual report on the implementation of this resolution, with its observations and recommendations;
9. Requests the CTC, in addition to the report requested in paragraph 8, to report orally, through its Chairman, at least every 180 days to the Council on the overall work of the CTC and CTED, and, as appropriate, in conjunction with the reports by the Chairmen of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) and the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004), and encourages informal briefings for all interested Member States;
10. Reiterates the need to enhance ongoing cooperation among the CTC, the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999), and the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004), as well as their respective groups of experts, including through, as appropriate, enhanced information sharing, coordinated visits to countries, technical assistance and other issues of relevance to all three committees, and expresses its intention to provide guidance to the committees on areas of common interest in order better to coordinate counter-terrorism efforts;
11. Welcomes and emphasizes the importance of CTED’s readiness to participate actively in and support all relevant activities under the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy including within CTITF, established to ensure overall coordination and coherence in the counter-terrorism efforts of the United Nations system.
Adopted by the Security Council at its 5856th meeting, on 20 March 2008.
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