United Nations Security Council Resolution 1922 – Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion
Resolution 1922 (2010)
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolutions and the statements of its President concerning Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion, including resolutions 1769 (2007), 1778 (2007), 1834 (2008), 1861 (2009) and 1913 (2010),
Considering the need to examine thoroughly the recommendations for a revised mandate of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and in Chad (MINURCAT) included in the report of the Secretary-General (S/2010/217) of 29 April 2010,
Determining that the situation in the region continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security,
- Decides to extend until 26 May 2010 the mandate of MINURCAT as set out in resolution 1861 (2009), extended by resolution 1913 (2010);
2. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
Adopted by the Security Council at its 6312th meeting, on 12 May 2010.
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