United Nations Security Council Resolution 198 – The Cyprus Question
198 (1964). Resolution of 18 December 1964
The Security Council, Noting that the report of the Secretary-General 11 recommends the maintenance in Cyprus of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force, created by Security Council resolution 186 (1964) of 4 March 1964, for an additional period of three months, Noting that the Government of Cyprus bas indicated its desire that the stationing of the United Nations Force in Cyprus should be continued beyond 26 Decem-ber 1964, Noting with satisfaction that the report of the Secretary-General indicates that the situation in Cyprus bas improved and that significant progress has been made, Renewing the expression of its deep appreciation to the Secretary-General for his efforts in the implementa-tion of Security Council resolutions 186 (1964) of 4 March 1964, 187 (1964) of 13 March 1964, 192 (1964) of 20 June 1964 and 194 (1964) of 25 September 1964,
Renewing the expression of its deep appreciation to the States that have contributed troops, police, supplies and financial support for the implementation of resolu-tion 186 (1964),
1. Reaffirms its resolutions 186 (1964), 187 (1964), 192 (1964) and 194 (1964) and the consensus expressed by the President at the 1143rd meeting, on 11 August 1964;
2. Calls upon ail States Members of the United Nations to comply with the above-mentioned resolutions;
3. Takes the report of the Secretary-General;
4. Extends the stationing in Cyprus of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force, established under Security Council resolution 186 (1964), for an additional period of three months, ending 26 March 1965.
Adopted unanimously at the 1180th meeting.
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