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United Nations Security Council Resolution 2030 – Guinea-Bissau

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2030 – Guinea-Bissau

Resolution 2030 (2011)

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions and statements of its President concerning the situation in Guinea-Bissau, in particular its resolutions 1876 (2009) and 1949 (2010),

Welcoming the efforts made by the Government of Guinea-Bissau towards the maintenance of stability and constitutional order, including the work of the National Assembly on reconciliation,

Noting the encouraging steps taken by the Government of Guinea-Bissau in achieving economic reform, including public administration and public finance reforms, and welcoming the adoption by the authorities of Guinea-Bissau of the second poverty reduction strategy paper and a national strategic document for action on the social determinants of health, and noting the efforts of bilateral partners to support the development of the health sector,

Stressing the importance of the upcoming legislative election in Guinea-Bissau and the need to have free, fair and transparent elections as a crucial and necessary step towards the consolidation of democracy and national reconciliation, and calling upon all stakeholders to contribute to a peaceful environment during and after the election,

Reaffirming that the Government of Guinea-Bissau and all stakeholders must remain committed to national reconciliation through genuine and inclusive political dialogue, respect for constitutional order, reforms in the defence, security and justice sectors, the promotion of the rule of law, human rights and the promotion of socio-economic development and the fight against impunity and illicit drug trafficking,

Stressing the importance of security sector reform for the consolidation of peace in Guinea-Bissau and the need for the authorities of Guinea-Bissau to intensify efforts to create the enabling environment for enhanced civilian control over the security forces of Guinea-Bissau, in particular the armed forces,

Noting with deep concern the threats to national and subregional security and stability posed by the growth in illicit drug trafficking and organized crime in Guinea-Bissau, welcoming the approval by the Government of the 2011-2014 National Operational Plan to combat illicit drug trafficking and organized crime and the establishment in Guinea-Bissau, under the framework of the West Africa Coast Initiative (WACI), of a Transnational Crime Unit, and re-emphasizing the need to tackle the problem of illicit drug trafficking in the countries of origin, transit and final destination through an approach of common and shared responsibility,

Reiterating the importance of the continued support of the United Nations and the international community for the long-term security and development of Guinea-Bissau, particularly in the fields of security sector reform, justice, the fight against illicit drug trafficking and to create the enabling environment to fight impunity and strengthen Guinea-Bissau’s institutional capacity,

Welcoming the efforts of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) to assist in the reforms of the defence and security sectors in Guinea-Bissau, noting the need for further efforts to implement the ECOWAS-CPLP road map in support of those reforms and encouraging the international community to remain engaged in addressing key challenges in the country,

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Reiterating the importance of regional and subregional cooperation in addressing the challenges faced by Guinea-Bissau,

Encouraging relevant stakeholders to remain engaged in addressing key governance and peacebuilding challenges in the country, Re-emphasizing that the Government of Guinea-Bissau bears the primary responsibility for security, the protection of its civilian population, peacebuilding and long-term development in the country,

Recalling its appreciation for the work of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS) in coordinating the assistance provided by the United Nations and international partners to Guinea-Bissau,

Welcoming the continued engagement of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) in Guinea-Bissau and the recent visit of the Chair of the Commission’s Guinea-Bissau Configuration, taking note of the briefing of the Chair of the Guinea-Bissau Configuration of the PBC on 3 November 2011 and acknowledging the contribution of the Peacebuilding Fund to peacebuilding in Guinea-Bissau;

Reaffirming its full commitment to the consolidation of peace and stability in Guinea-Bissau,

  1. Decides to extend the mandate of UNIOGBIS as established in paragraph 3 of resolution 1876 (2009), until 28 February 2013;

2. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on Guinea-Bissau dated 21 October 2011 (S/2011/655) and of the recommendations contained therein and welcomes the activities of UNIOGBIS;

3. Takes note of the strategic work plan developed pursuant to resolution 1949, emphasizes that the reform of the defence and security sectors, the fight against impunity and the fight against illicit drug trafficking remain priority sectors for peace consolidation in Guinea-Bissau and further requests the Secretary-General to measure and track progress, in the next reports, on the work of UNIOGBIS in support of efforts by the relevant authorities of Guinea-Bissau in those sectors through the appropriate benchmarks, including recommendations to address gaps if there are any, without prejudice to the remaining tasks of the UNIOGBIS mandate;

4. Calls upon the Government and all political stakeholders in Guinea-Bissau to work together to consolidate peace and stability in the country, use legal and peaceful means to resolve differences and intensify efforts for genuine and inclusive political dialogue and national reconciliation, including the National Conference on Reconciliation and requests the Secretary-General, including through his Special Representative, to support such efforts;

5. Urges members of the Armed Forces of Guinea-Bissau, in particular its leaders, to respect constitutional order, civilian rule and oversight, as well as the rule of law and human rights, to refrain from any interference in political issues, to guarantee the security of the national institutions, as well as the population in general, and to fully participate in the reform of the defence and security sectors further urges Guinea-Bissau’s political leaders to refrain from involving the military and the judiciary in politics;

See also  United Nations Security Council Resolution 2267 – Guinea-Bissau

6. Requests the Secretary-General, through his Special Representative in Guinea-Bissau, to continue to assist the Government to enhance its coordination of international assistance for credible security sector reform under the principle of national ownership and full civilian control of the military;

7. Welcomes the ECOWAS-CPLP partnership to support Security Sector Reform (SSR) in Guinea-Bissau, calls on ECOWAS, CPLP and the Government of Guinea-Bissau to continue to fulfil their commitments in the framework of the ECOWAS-CPLP road map, especially the operationalization of a pension fund for members of the armed forces and security services, including their leaders, as well as the rejuvenation and professionalization of the military and security structures, recognizes the importance of contributions to the pension fund to take forward SSR, and in this context further welcomes the contribution of the Government of Guinea-Bissau to the pension fund and further calls on the authorities of Guinea-Bissau to complete the adoption of the basic legislation and framework related to the reform of the defence and security sectors including the pension fund;

8. Calls for the conclusion of the investigations into the political assassinations of March and June 2009 as soon as possible, calls on the Government of Guinea-Bissau to create the enabling environment to ensure that the work of the National Commission of Inquiry is credible, transparent and consistent with internationally agreed standards, and requests the Secretary-General, to assist in the conclusion of these investigations, and further calls on the AU, ECOWAS, the CPLP, the European Union (EU) and other partners, to support, as appropriate, these and other efforts by the authorities to end impunity;

9. Calls upon the authorities of Guinea-Bissau to ensure the prosecution, with full respect for due process, of those responsible for all criminal acts including illicit drug trafficking;

10. Urges the Government of Guinea-Bissau to continue to tackle corruption including by implementing the United Nations Convention against Corruption;

11. Encourages the Government of Guinea-Bissau to continue the implementation of the West Africa Coast Initiative (WACI) in the country;

12. Also urges the international community, including the Peacebuilding Commission and regional organizations such as the AU, ECOWAS, the CPLP and the EU, as well as bilateral partners as appropriate, to increase their support to WACI to fight transnational organized crime and illicit drug trafficking which threaten security and stability in Guinea-Bissau and in the subregion; welcomes in this regard the commitment of the Government of Guinea-Bissau to tackle this threat through the implementation of its 2011-2014 national operational plan and calls on the Government to allocate the necessary resources to implement the plan and for international partners to assist national authorities in this regard;

13. Requests the Peacebuilding Commission to continue to support the implementation of Guinea-Bissau’s peacebuilding priorities as well as to continue to provide advice to the Security Council on how to remove critical obstacles to peacebuilding in Guinea-Bissau, in particular security sector reform and illicit drug trafficking and to keep the Council updated on progress it has made in helping to address these;

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14. Calls on all national stakeholders, including political, military and civil society actors, to fully participate in the National Conference on Reconciliation and to ensure that a follow-up mechanism to implement the National Conference’s recommendations be put in place;

15. Encourages the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to continue to pursue efforts to enhance integration and effectiveness of the United Nations presence on the ground in support of the stabilization, peace and development priorities of the Government and people of Guinea-Bissau and further, to give special attention to increased interaction with the authorities of Guinea-Bissau in order to strengthen its institutional capacities;

16. Emphasizes the important role of women in prevention and resolution of conflicts and in peacebuilding, as recognized in resolution 1325 (2000),1820 (2008), 1888 (2009),1889 (2009) and 1960 (2010), underlines that a gender perspective should continue to be taken into account in implementing all aspects of the mandate of UNIOGBIS, and encourages UNIOGBIS to continue to work with national authorities in this regard, and relevant stakeholders to improve women’s participation in peacebuilding;

17. Requests the Secretary-General to report on progress made in implementing this resolution and the mandate of UNIOGBIS as outlined in resolution 1876 (2009) through a briefing in March 2012, a report in July 2012 and every six months thereafter;

18. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 6695th meeting, on 21 December 2011.

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