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United Nations Security Council Resolution 2056 – Peace and security in Africa

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2056 – Peace and security in Africa

Resolution 2056 (2012)

The Security Council,

Recalling its Presidential Statements of 26 March 2012 (S/PRST/2012/7) and of 4 April 2012 (S/PRST/2012/9) as well as its Press Statements on Mali of 22 March 2012, 9 April 2012 and of 18 June 2012,

Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Mali,

Condemning the forcible seizure of power from the democratically elected Government of Mali by some members of the Armed Forces of Mali on 22 March 2012 and commending the efforts of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and of the African Union (AU), and the cooperation of neighbouring countries and other countries in the region, in assisting with the restoration of the constitutional order in Mali,

Acknowledging the positive steps taken by Mali towards the restoration of constitutional rule, including by the signing on 6 April 2012 of a Framework Agreement for the restoration of constitutional order under the auspices of the ECOWAS mediator, President Blaise Compaoré of Burkina Faso,

Reiterating its full support to the mediation efforts of ECOWAS and the AU and welcoming the continued good offices of the Secretary-General including through his Special Representative for West Africa,

Stressing the need for close and continued dialogue between the Transitional authorities and the different political actors and civil society in Mali on the various challenges faced by the country,

Underscoring the need to reinforce civilian control of the Malian armed forces,

Reiterating its strong condemnation of the attacks initiated and carried out by rebel groups against Malian armed forces and civilians,

Reiterating its categorical rejection of statements made by the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) regarding the so-called “independence” of Northern Mali, and further reiterating that it considers such announcements as null and void,

Expressing serious concern about the insecurity and rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Sahel region, which is further complicated by the presence of armed groups and terrorist groups and their activities, as well as by the proliferation of weapons, from within and outside the region, that threaten the peace, security and stability of regional States,

Expressing deep concern at the increased terrorist threat in the North of Mali and the region due to the presence of members of Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), reaffirming that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to peace and security and that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable regardless of their motivations, whenever and by whomsoever committed,

Expressing concern at the increase in incidents of kidnapping and hostage-taking by terrorist groups with the aim of raising funds, or gaining political concessions, and expressing the need for this issue to be addressed,

Expressing grave concern at the worsening of the humanitarian situation in Mali and at the increasing number of displaced persons and refugees, acknowledging the humanitarian support provided by countries in the region and international partners to Mali and its neighbouring countries and renewing its call for increased mobilization of the international community to support humanitarian efforts, and for all parties in Mali to allow for impartial, neutral, full and unimpeded access for humanitarian aid,

Condemning strongly the desecration, damage and destruction of sites of holy, historic and cultural significance, especially but not exclusively those designated UNESCO World Heritage sites, including in the city of Timbuktu,

Taking note of the Conclusions of the meeting of the Support and Follow up Group on the Situation in Mali held on 7 June 2012 in Abidjan, of the Communiqué of the Peace and Security Council of the AU of 12 June 2012 and of the Communiqués of ECOWAS of 3 May 2012 and 29 June 2012,

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Determining that the situation in Mali constitutes a threat to international peace and security in the region,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

Restoration of the constitutional order

1. Expresses its full support to the efforts of ECOWAS and the AU in Mali, with the support of the United Nations, and encourages them to continue to coordinate closely with the Transitional authorities of Mali for the restoration of constitutional order;

2. Calls upon all national stakeholders in Mali to create the necessary conditions for enabling the Transitional authorities to fully exercise their primary responsibilities and to ensure the full restoration and preservation of constitutional order;

3. Takes note of the ECOWAS non-recognition of the National Council for the Recovery of Democracy and the Restoration of the State (CNRDRE) as a legal entity in the transition, decides that the said CNRDRE shall be dissolved and further demands that its members refrain from any interference in political matters and in the work of the Transitional authorities;

4. Urges all members of the Malian armed forces to respect constitutional order, civilian rule and human rights;

5. Condemns in the strongest terms the physical assault against the Interim President of Mali, Mr. Dioncounda Traoré, on 21 May 2012, calls for the perpetrators to be brought to justice and supports in this regard the announced establishment of a Malian investigation commission, and calls upon all Malian stakeholders to desist from unlawful conduct, harassments and acts of violence and to support the work of the Transitional authorities;

6. Takes note of the decisions of ECOWAS and AU to adopt targeted sanctions in Mali and reserves the right to consider appropriate measures as necessary;

7. Calls for the safe return to Bamako as soon as possible of Interim President Dioncounda Traoré and for his security to be assured;

8. Expresses its support to the Transitional authorities in Mali led by the Interim President and the Prime Minister of the Transition, and decides that the Transitional authorities shall develop, within the framework of an inclusive national dialogue with the political forces and civil society including legitimate representatives of the northern regions and with the support of ECOWAS and other international partners, a road map setting out the tasks to be carried out peacefully during the Transition so as to ensure the consolidation of the institutions of the Republic of Mali, especially the reorganization and restructuring of the Malian defence and security forces, the restoration of State authority throughout the territory of Mali, and the organization of free, transparent and fair presidential elections within 12 months of the signing of the Framework Agreement for the restoration of constitutional order;

Territorial integrity of Mali

9. Demands the full, immediate and unconditional cessation of hostilities by rebel groups in the North of Mali;

10. Calls upon all groups in northern Mali, including the MNLA, Ansar Dine and foreign combatants on Malian soil, to renounce all affiliations incompatible with peace, security, the rule of law and the territorial integrity of Mali;

11. Expresses its support to all efforts made by the Transitional authorities of Mali, with the support of ECOWAS, the AU, neighbouring and other countries in the region, and the United Nations, aimed at seeking a peaceful solution to the situation in the North of Mali mindful of the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Mali, and calls upon Malian rebel groups to enter into an appropriate political dialogue with the Transitional authorities of Mali to this end;

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12. Requests the Secretary-General to provide support to ongoing mediation efforts, including through the good offices of his Special Representative for West Africa;

13. Calls upon all parties in the North of Mali to cease all abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law, condemns in particular the targeted attacks against the civilian population, sexual violence, recruitment and use of child soldiers and forced displacement, recalls in this regard all its relevant resolutions on women and peace and security, on children and armed conflict, and on the protection of civilians in armed conflicts, and stresses that the perpetrators shall be brought to justice;

14. Demands that all parties in Mali ensure full, safe and unhindered access for the timely delivery of humanitarian aid to persons in need of assistance and further demands that all parties and armed groups take appropriate steps to ensure the safety and security of humanitarian personnel, equipment and supplies, in accordance with international law, including applicable international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law;

15. Acknowledges the cooperative policy of neighbouring States, including Algeria, Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Niger in keeping their borders open for refugees and in facilitating the passage of humanitarian personnel, equipment and supplies, and encourages these States to continue this policy and contribute to a stabilization of the situation wherever possible;

16. Stresses that attacks against buildings dedicated to religion or historic monuments can constitute violations of international law which may fall under Additional Protocol II to the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, to which Mali is a State Party, and further urges all parties in Mali to immediately take appropriate steps to ensure the protection of Mali’s World Heritage sites;

ECOWAS security support

17. Takes note of the request of ECOWAS and the African Union for a United Nations Security Council mandate authorizing the deployment of an ECOWAS stabilization force in order to support the political process in Mali and assist in upholding the territorial integrity of Mali and in combating terrorism;

18. Expresses its readiness to further examine the request of ECOWAS once additional information has been provided regarding the objectives, means and modalities of the envisaged deployment and other possible measures, encourages in this regard a close cooperation between Malian Transitional authorities, the Commission of ECOWAS, the Commission of the African Union, and countries in the region in order to prepare detailed options and further requests the Secretary-General to support the Commission of ECOWAS and the Commission of the African Union in preparing such detailed options;

Fight against terrorism

19. Reiterates its unequivocal condemnation of Al-Qaida and other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with it, for criminal acts of kidnapping, ongoing and multiple criminal terrorist acts aimed at causing the deaths of innocent civilians and other victims, destruction of property and greatly undermining stability, including in the North of Mali and the Sahel region;

20. Urges all rebel groups in Mali to refrain from any form of association with AQIM and to combat the threat posed by terrorist groups in Mali, and recalls in this regard that acts or activities indicating that an individual, group, undertaking or entity is associated with Al-Qaida include: participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing, or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf of, or in support of; supplying, selling or transferring arms and related materiel to; recruiting for or otherwise supporting acts or activities of Al-Qaida or any cell, affiliate, splinter group or derivative thereof and further calls upon all Member States to implement robustly their obligations pursuant to resolution 1989 (2011);

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21. Calls upon Member States to consider and undertake measures to prevent the proliferation of all arms and related material of all types in the Sahel region, in particular man-portable surface-to-air missiles, consistent with resolution 2017 (2011);

22. Urges Member States to assist efforts to undertake reform and capacity-building of the Malian security forces in order to reinforce democratic control of the armed forces, restore the authority of the State of Mali over its entire national territory, to uphold the unity and territorial integrity of Mali and to reduce the threat posed by AQIM and affiliated groups;

23. Urges Sahel and Maghreb States to enhance interregional cooperation and coordination in order to take all necessary measures to develop strategies to combat AQIM activities and to contain further progress of AQIM elements and affiliated groups in the Sahel and Maghreb regions, including the interdiction of smuggling of arms, vehicle, fuel and other commodities that support AQIM and affiliated groups;

24. Emphasizes that sanctions are an important tool under the Charter of the United Nations in the maintenance and restoration of international peace and security, stresses in this regard the need for robust implementation of the measures in paragraph 1 of resolution 1989 (2011) as a significant tool in combating terrorist activity and calls on all Member States to submit to the Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) names of individuals, groups, undertakings and entities that are associated with Al-Qaida, including in the Sahel region and notably in the North of Mali;

United Nations support to efforts of mediation

25. Requests the Secretary-General to contribute to efforts of regional and international actors on Mali, including through the good offices of his Special Representative for West Africa, especially by supporting the work of the Support and Follow up Group on the Situation in Mali;

26. Acknowledges the significant contribution that women can have in conflict prevention, peacebuilding and mediation efforts, calls upon all actors in the crisis in Mali to take measures to increase the number of women involved in mediation efforts and stresses the importance of creating enabling conditions for women’s participation and empowerment during all stages of the mediation process;


27. Requests the Secretary-General to report, by 31 July 2012, on the situation in Mali and the implementation of this resolution, possible steps to ensure the effective full restoration of constitutional order and of the territorial integrity in Mali, including the detailed options referred to in paragraph 18 above and prepared through the cooperation between the Commission of ECOWAS, the Commission of the AU, and countries in the region, with the support of the United Nations, and ways of improving international coordination; Integrated United Nations strategy for Sahel

28. Requests the Secretary-General to develop and implement, in consultation with regional organizations, a United Nations integrated strategy for the Sahel region encompassing security, governance, development, human rights and humanitarian issues, including through the involvement of the United Nations Office for West Africa, and requests the Secretary-General to inform the Council on progress made by 15 September 2012;

29. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 6798th meeting, on 5 July 2012.

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