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United Nations Security Council Resolution 2083 – Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2083 – Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts

Resolution 2083 (2012)

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 1267 (1999), 1333 (2000), 1363 (2001), 1373 (2001), 1390 (2002), 1452 (2002), 1455 (2003), 1526 (2004), 1566 (2004), 1617 (2005), 1624 (2005), 1699 (2006), 1730 (2006), 1735 (2006), 1822 (2008), 1904 (2009), 1988 (2011), and 1989 (2011), and the relevant statements of its President,

Reaffirming that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to peace and security and that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable regardless of their motivations, whenever and by whomsoever committed, and reiterating its unequivocal condemnation of Al-Qaida and other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with it, for ongoing and multiple criminal terrorist acts aimed at causing the deaths of innocent civilians and other victims, destruction of property and greatly undermining stability,

Reaffirming that terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality or civilization,

Recalling the Presidential Statement of the Security Council (S/PRST/2012/17) of 4 May 2012 on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts,

Reaffirming the need to combat by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and international law, including applicable international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law, threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts, stressing in this regard the important role the United Nations plays in leading and coordinating this effort,

Expressing concern at the increase in incidents of kidnapping and hostage-taking by terrorist groups with the aim of raising funds, or gaining political concessions, and reiterating the continued need for this issue to be addressed,

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Stressing that terrorism can only be defeated by a sustained and comprehensive approach involving the active participation and collaboration of all States, and international and regional organizations to impede, impair, isolate and incapacitate the terrorist threat,

Emphasizing that sanctions are an important tool under the Charter of the United Nations in the maintenance and restoration of international peace and security, and stressing in this regard the need for robust implementation of the measures in paragraph 1 of this resolution as a significant tool in combating terrorist activity,

Urging all Member States to participate actively in maintaining and updating the list created pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999), 1333 (2000) and 1989 (2011) (“the Al-Qaida Sanctions List”) by contributing additional information pertinent to current listings, submitting delisting requests when appropriate, and by identifying and nominating for listing additional individuals, groups, undertakings and entities which should be subject to the measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this resolution,

Reminding the Committee established pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) (“the Committee”) to remove expeditiously and on a case-by-case basis individuals and entities that no longer meet the criteria for listing outlined in this resolution,

Recognizing the challenges, both legal and otherwise, to the measures implemented by Member States under paragraph 1 of this resolution, welcomingimprovements to the Committee’s procedures and the quality of the Al-Qaida Sanctions List, and expressing its intent to continue efforts to ensure that procedures are fair and clear,

Welcoming the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsperson pursuant to resolution 1904 (2009) and the enhancement of the Ombudsperson’s mandate in resolution 1989 (2011), noting the Office of the Ombudsperson’s significant contribution in providing additional fairness and transparency, recalling the Security Council’s firm commitment to ensuring that the Office of the Ombudsperson is able to continue to carry out its role effectively, in accordance with its mandate, and recalling also the Presidential Statement of the Security Council (S/PRST/2011/5) of 28 February 2011,

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Welcoming the Ombudsperson’s biannual reports to the Security Council, including the reports submitted on 21 January 2011, 22 July 2011, 20 January 2012 and 30 July 2012,

Reiterating that the measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this resolution are preventative in nature and are not reliant upon criminal standards set out under national law,

Welcoming the third review in June 2012 by the General Assembly of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (A/RES/60/288) of 8 September 2006 and the creation of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) to ensure overall coordination and coherence in the counter-terrorism efforts of the United Nations system,

Welcoming the continuing cooperation between the Committee and INTERPOL, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in particular on technical assistance and capacity-building, and all other United Nations bodies, and encouraging further engagement with the CTITF to ensure overall coordination and coherence in the counter-terrorism efforts of the UN system,

Recognizing the need to take measures to prevent and suppress the financing of terrorism and terrorist organizations, including from the proceeds of organized crime, inter alia, the illicit production and trafficking of drugs and their chemical precursors, and the importance of continued international cooperation to that aim,

Noting with concern the continued threat posed to international peace and security by Al-Qaida and other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with it, reaffirming its resolve to address all aspects of that threat,

Noting that, in some instances, certain individuals, groups, undertakings and entities that meet the criteria for listing set forth in paragraph 3 of resolution 1988 (2011) or other relevant sanctions resolutions may also meet the criteria for listing set forth in paragraph 4 of this resolution,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

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Adopted by the Security Council at its 6890th meeting, on 17 December 2012.

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