United Nations Security Council Resolution 2382 – United Nations peacekeeping operations: Police Commissioners
Resolution 2382 (2017)
The Security Council,
Recalling its primary responsibility under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security,
Recalling its resolution 2185 (2014) on United Nations Policing, as well as relevant resolutions such as resolutions 1265 (1999) and 1894 (2009) on the protection of civilians, 1325 (2000) and 2242 (2015) on women, peace and security, 2086 (2013) and 2378 (2017) on peacekeeping operations, 2151 (2014) on security sector reform, 2171 (2014) on conflict prevention, 2282 (2016) on post-conflict peacebuilding, and statements of its President such as the statement of 21 February 2014 (S/PRST/2014/5) on the rule of law, as well as the statement of 14 July 1997 (S/PRST/1997/38), and the reports of the Secretary-General A/66/615 and S/2016/952 on United Nations Policing,
Taking note of the Report of the Secretary-General on United Nations Policing of November 2016 and its vision for United Nations Police Components ready to effectively address the challenges of the twenty-first century,
Stressing the primary responsibility of States for the prevention and resolution of conflicts, as well as for the protection of civilians and the important contribution that United Nations Policing in peacekeeping and special political missions can provide throughout the conflict cycle, where and as mandated, including through the protection of civilians, capacity-building and development efforts of host-State police services, and noting the relevance of its contribution when considering the broader reform of the peace and security pillar, Affirming that lasting peace is not achieved nor sustained by military and technical engagements alone, but through political solutions and strongly convinced that such political solutions should guide the design and deployment of United Nations peacekeeping operations,
Reaffirming its commitment to upholding the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, including its commitment to and respect for the principles of political independence, sovereign equality and territorial integrity of all States in conducting all peacekeeping activities and the need for States to comply with their obligations under international law,
Further reaffirming the basic principles of peacekeeping, including consent of the parties, impartiality, and non-use of force, except in self-defence and defence of the mandate, and recognizing that the mandate of each peacekeeping mission is specific to the need and situation of the country concerned, and that the Security Council expects full delivery of the mandates it authorizes,
Welcoming the role that UN Police Components can play in facilitating the transitions from peacekeeping to development and peacebuilding, and recognizing that improved performance of United Nations Policing can contribute to successful exit strategies of peacekeeping missions and will require continued transparent and accountable efforts to strengthen United Nations Police doctrine and its implementation and defining clearer standards for personnel, equipment, o perations, performance, and assistance to host-State police services, as well as increased training and capacity-building to prepare police contributing countries and ensure predictable deployment,
Stressing that the successful implementation of the mandates of peacekeeping operations and special political missions requires close cooperation and use of integrated planning mechanisms between the different elements of these missions, including between police, military and civilian components, under the overa ll leadership of the Head of Mission,
Noting the important role United Nations Policing can play, where mandated, in strengthening the rule of law and security sector reform and reaffirming the lead role of national authorities in progressing the reform of police and other law enforcement agencies as part of wider rule of law and security sector reform efforts, including in dedicating national resources towards national police and other law enforcement institutions, and monitoring the impact of police reform, and recognizing that the political leadership and political will of national authorities are critical in this regard and success necessitates national ownership,
Highlighting the important role that United Nations Police Components can play in building the capacity of host-State policing and other law enforcement institutions, as mandated, in particular through building principles of community oriented policing and in addressing organized crime, particularly through support in the areas of border, immigration and maritime security and crime prevention, response and investigation, where mandated,
Having considered that transnational organized crime undermines stability and further considering that transnational organized crime can benefit international terrorism, which may require strengthening or rebuilding of criminal justice systems to address relevant threats,
Recalling the work conducted by the Security Council Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations, the Fourth and Fifth Committees of the General Assembly and the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations, which have provided guidance to the Secretariat on United Nations policing including on a standardized approach to United Nations Policing and compliance thereto, as well as support to the United Nations Secretariat to address capacity and capability gaps, where they exist, thereby improving the performance of United Nations Policing,
Noting the increasing scope and reliance on police abilities in United Nations operations and welcoming ongoing efforts to attain specialized capacities, capabilities and technologies for United Nations Police Components, further noting the Policy for Formed Police Units in United Nations Peacekeeping and encouraging Member States to contribute well-trained and appropriately vetted men and women police personnel with appropriate language skills for formed police units (FPUs) with the full complement of agreed contingent-owned equipment, specialized police teams (SPTs) and individual police officers, as well as civilian experts, to effectively implement mandated tasks and facilitate the conditions for transitions and exits,
Noting that host-State policing institutions should be the primary link between the government, individuals and communities on security issues, reiterating that professional, effective, accountable, and accessible law enforcement, corrections, and judicial institutions are necessary to lay the foundation for sustainable peace and national development, and further noting that failure to addre ss operational and accountability deficits in police institutions can undermine the positive gains made, and thus risks a relapse into conflict,
Recognizing the indispensable role of women in United Nations peacekeeping and special political missions, including the critical role that women play in all peace and security efforts, including by providing diverse perspectives which can assist in building trust with local communities and stressing the need to increase their participation and leadership in decision-making in host-States with regard to policing and the rule of law,
Welcoming the efforts to incentivize greater numbers of women in military and police deployed and appointed to senior positions in United Nations peacekeeping operations, as both IPOs and as part of SPTs and FPUs, and efforts to review the obstacles preventing women’s recruitment and professional advancement; taking note in this regard of the Secretary-General’s System-wide Strategy on Gender Parity which tasks relevant United Nations entities, in consultation with Police -Contributing countries, to develop a separate, dedicated strategy on this matter,
Reaffirming its determination to pursue more prioritization when evaluating, mandating and reviewing United Nations peacekeeping operations, including through strengthening Triangular consultations with Troop and Police-Contributing Countries and the Secretariat, strengthening existing formal mechanisms, and underlining the shared responsibility for meaningful, inclusive, active and dynamic consultations, as well as enhancing its dialogue with host countries, with the aim of fully and successfully implementing peacekeeping mandates,
Noting with appreciation the improved cooperation between the United Nations, international, regional and subregional organizations and initiatives, including through training, sharing of experience, exchange of information, thematic expertise and operational readiness as appropriate, and the establishment by the United Nations Police Components of a serious and organized crime focal point network, and further noting that these efforts can strengthen host-State police and other law enforcement agencies’ capacities and capabilities to counter transnational threats,
Adopted by the Security Council at its 8086th meeting, on 6 November 2017.
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