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United Nations Security Council Resolution 2391 – Peace and security in Africa

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2391 – Peace and security in Africa

Resolution 2391 (2017)

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 2374 (2017), 2364 (2017) and 2359 (2017), as well as its press statement of 6 October 2017,

Recalling its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security,

Affirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the countries of the Group of Five for the Sahel (G5 Sahel), namely Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger,

Expressing its deep concern regarding the transnational threat posed by terrorism and organized crime (including trafficking in persons, arms, drugs and natural resources, and the smuggling of migrants) in the Sahel region, and strongly condemning the continued attacks in the G5 Sahel States against civilians, representatives from local, regional and State institutions, as well as national, international and UN security forces,

Acknowledging the impact of the activities of terrorist organizations, including those benefiting from transnational organized crime, in the G5 Sahel States o n regional and international peace and security,

Underscoring the primary responsibility of the G5 Sahel States to address these threats and challenges, as well as the importance for the international community to support African countries uniting their efforts at regional or subregional level to fight against terrorism and transnational organized crime with a view to restore peace and security, including through the protection of civilians,

Welcoming the continued determination of the G5 Sahel States to unite their efforts to address the impact of terrorism and transnational organized crime, including through the establishment of a joint force conducting cross-border joint military counter-terrorist operations (Force conjointe du G5 Sahel — “FC-G5S”), whose deployment has been authorized by the African Union Peace and Security Council communiqué of 13 April 2017 and welcomed by United Nations Security Council resolution 2359 (2017),

Noting with satisfaction the reaffirmation of the commitment of G5 Sahel States to fully operationalize the FC-G5S, repeatedly expressed during the Summit in Bamako of 2 July 2017, the High-level meeting in New-York on 18 September 2017, the mission of the Security Council to the Sahel region from 19 to 22 October through visits to Mali, Mauritania and Burkina Faso, as well as the ministerial briefing of the Security Council on 30 October 2017,

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Recalling that the G5 Sahel States have the responsibility to provide the FC-G5S with adequate resources, encouraging additional support from bilateral and multilateral partners, including through the provision of adequate logistical, operational and financial assistance to the FC-G5S, as appropriate, stressing that secure funding and support for the FC-G5S will make a critical contribution to a lasting stabilization of the Sahel region, and noting the complementarity that bilateral and multilateral support can play in addressing the needs of the FC-G5S comprehensively and in the most efficient way,

Welcoming the commitments made to date by several donors to provide support to the FC-G5S, including Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, the European Union, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and the United States of America,

Welcoming the efforts of the French forces to support the operations of the FC-G5S,

Commending the contribution of bilateral and multilateral partners to strengthen security capacities in the Sahel region, notably the role of the European Union missions (EU Training Mission in Mali

— EUTM Mali, EU Capacity Building Mission in Mali

— EUCAP Sahel Mali, and EU Capacity Building Mission in Niger

— EUCAP Sahel Niger) in providing training and strategic advice to national security forces in the Sahel region,

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on the G5 Sahel joint force of 16 October 2017 (S/2017/869), including its outline of a range of possible options for United Nations support to the FC-G5S, and noting that this report was warmly welcomed by G5 Sahel States,

Recalling the mission it carried out to the Sahel region from 19 to 22 October, through visits to Mali, Mauritania and Burkina Faso, with the main objectives to assess the situation in the G5 Sahel States as well as to discuss the observations a nd recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General mentioned above,

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Recognizing that the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) and the FC-G5S have the potential to be mutually beneficial instruments to restore peace and stability in Mali and in the Sahel region, and underlining that they have the potential to constitute a positive interaction between a United Nations peacekeeping operation and an African operation,

Reiterating its serious concern at the continuing lack of key capabilities for MINUSMA, and urging Member States to provide the necessary capacities, including troops and police that have adequate capabilities, pre-deployment and, where appropriate, in situ training and equipment, including enablers, specific to the operating environment, in order for MINUSMA to continue to make progress in the implementation of its mandate, pursuant to resolution 2364 (2017), including through the achievement of its more proactive and robust posture,

Underlining that lasting peace and security in the Sahel region will not be achieved without full, effective and inclusive implementation of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali (“the Agreement”), and stressing that all parties to the Agreement share the primary responsibility to make steadfast progress in its implementation,

Underlining that all efforts to counter terrorism in Mali and in the Sahel region should be complementary to ongoing political processes, including the full, effective and inclusive implementation of the Agreement,

Stressing that a military response to the threats faced by G5 Sahel States can only be effective if conducted in full compliance with international law, by taking active steps to minimize the risk of harm to civilians in all areas of operation, as well as if accompanied by the rapid and effective implementation of inclusive regional strategies encompassing security, governance, development, human rights and humanitarian issues,

Emphasizing the important role of women in prevention and resolution of conflicts, in peacebuilding as well as in post-conflict situations, as recognized in the relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolution 1325 (2000) and resolution 2242 (2015),

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Noting that the activities of terrorist organizations, including those benefiting from transnational organized crime, in the Sahel region constitute a threat to international peace and security,

Adopted by the Security Council at its 8129th meeting, on 8 December 2017.

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