United Nations Security Council Resolution 240 – Middle East
Resolution 240 (1967) of 25 October 1967
The Security Council,
Gravely concerned over recent military activities in the Middle East carried out in spite of the Security Council resolutions ordering a cease-fire,
Having heard and considered the statements made by the parties concerned,
Taking into consideration the information on the said activities provided by the Secretary-General in documents S/7930/ Add.43, Add.44, Add.45, Add.46, Add.47, Add.48 and Add.49,10
1. Condemns the violations of the cease-fire;
2. Regrets the casualties and loss of property resulting from the violations;
3. Reaffirms the necessity of the strict observance of the cease-fire resolutions;
4. Demands of the Member States concerned to cease immediately all prohibited military activities in the area, and to co-operate fully and promptly with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization.
Adopted unanimously at the 1371st meeting.
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