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United Nations Security Council Resolution 2465 – Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2465 – Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Resolution 2465 (2019)

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions and its presidential statements on the situation in Sudan and South Sudan, and in particular, resolutions 1990 (2011), 2024 (2011), 2032 (2011), 2046 (2012), 2047 (2012), 2075 (2012), 2104 (2013), 2126 (2013), 2156 (2014), 2179 (2014), 2205 (2015), 2230 (2015), 2251 (2015), 2287 (2016), 2318 (2016), 2352 (2017), 2386 (2017), 2412 (2018), 2416 (2018), 2438 (2018), and 2445 (2018) as well as presidential statements S/PRST/2012/19 and S/PRST/2013/14, and the Council’s press statements of 18 June 2012, 21 September 2012, 28 September 2012, 6 May 2013, 14 June 2013, 14 February 2014, 17 March 2014, 11 December 2014, and 27 November 2015,

Welcoming the progress made towards the implementation of the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism (JBVMM), and encouraging the parties to continue their efforts in this regard, while noting that measures set out in paragraph 3 of resolution 2438 (2018) have not been completely achieved,

Stressing the need for the Governments of Sudan and South Sudan to fully implement the JBVMM, in accordance with Security Council resolution 2046 (2012)and the African Union Peace and Security Council Roadmap of 24 April 2012, and the Joint Political and Security Mechanism (JPSM) Communique of 18 March 2019,

Commending the continued assistance provided to the parties by the African Union High-level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) and the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA),

Taking note of the 20 August 2018 Secretary-General’s report (S/2018/778),

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Recognizing that the current situation in Abyei and along the border between the Sudan and South Sudan continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security,

  1. Decides to extend until 15 October 2019 UNISFA’s mandate modification set forth in resolution 2024 (2011) and paragraph 1 of resolution 2075 (2012), and further decides that this shall be the final such extension unless the parties take the specific measures described in paragraph 3;

2. Decides that as of 15 October 2019, the authorized troop ceiling for UNISFA shall decrease by 557 troops, unless it decides to extend the mandatemodification set forth in resolution 2024 (2011) and paragraph 1 of resolution 2075 (2012), in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 3;

3. Determines that both parties should also demonstrate measurable progress on border demarcation, specifically by taking the following measures:

(1) UNISFA and JBVMM Patrols: Maintain standing clearance and achieve full freedom of movement for all UNISFA air and ground patrols, including landing within the Safe Demilitarized Border Zone (SDBZ), and maintain approval for 100 percent of requested sorties no later than 72 hours after the requests are delivered,

(2) JBVMM Team Sites: Both parties call for withdrawal of troops from the vicinity of the Abu Qussa/Wunkur, in order to establish a team site in that location,

(3) JPSM: Convene at least two ordinary sessions of the JPSM during the mandate period that provide clear guidance to JBVMM,

(4) SDBZ: Both parties to completely withdraw from the SDBZ as they committed to do in the 18 March 2019 JPSM, and to provide notification of such withdrawal to UNIFSA for UNIFSA verification,

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(5) Border Crossing Corridors: Open the six agreed border crossing corridors per the resolutions of the 18 March 2019 JPSM, and together with UNISFA verify their functioning and free movement across the border,

(6) Border Demarcation: Hold at least two meetings of the Joint Border Commission and Joint Demarcation Committee, with one meeting of each occurring prior to 31 July 2019; finalize the Joint Demarcation Committee ’s report to the Joint Border Commission, including the agreed, disputed, and claimed areas per the resolutions of the 12–14 March 2019 meeting of the Joint Border Commission; agree to a detailed work plan and budget for demarcation of the agreed boundary line; and resume border demarcation discussions, including negotiations on the disputed areas within the framework of the signed agreements,

(7) National Monitors: Complete the deployment of national monitors to address the outstanding personnel deficit in the JBVMM, as agreed in the 18 March 2019 JPSM;

4. Encourages the AUHIP to continue engagement with the parties to resolve outstanding border disputes;

5. Expresses its intention to request the Secretary-General to update recommendations on the reconfiguration of the UNISFA mandate, including on UNISFA’s support to the JBVMM, taking into account the current political and security situation, in order to contribute to creating the conditions for a viable exit strategy for UNISFA;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to inform it of progress in implementing any steps taken per paragraph 3, in writing, no later than 15 September 2019;

7. Decides to remain actively seized of this matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 8509th meeting, on12 April 2019

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