Home » United Nations » United Nations Security Council Resolution 2531 –The situation in MaliLetter from the President of the Council on the voting outcome (S/2020/613) and voting details (S/2020/625)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2531 –The situation in MaliLetter from the President of the Council on the voting outcome (S/2020/613) and voting details (S/2020/625)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2531 –The situation in MaliLetter from the President of the Council on the voting outcome (S/2020/613) and voting details (S/2020/625)

Resolution 2531 (2020)

The Security Council,

Recalling all its previous resolutions, statements of its President and press statements on the situation in Mali,

Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Mali, emphasizing that the Malian authorities have primary responsibility for the provision of stability, security and protection of civilians throughout the territory of Mali, urging the Malian authorities to uphold their efforts to meet their obligations in that regard, and expressing great concern at the violent and unilateral actions taken by non-State actors hampering the return of State authority and basic social services,

Reaffirming the basic principles of peacekeeping, including consent of the parties, impartiality and non-use of force, except in self-defence and defence of the mandate, recognizing that the mandate of each peacekeeping mission is specific to the need and situation of the country concerned, and recalling its Presidential Statement of 14 May 2018 (S/PRST/2018/10),

Expressing grave concern about the continued deterioration of the security and humanitarian situation in Mali, including through the persistence of a high level of attacks by terrorist groups in the North and in the Centre, and the continuation of intercommunal violence in the Centre, which led to human rights violations and abuses and have caused the loss of numerous innocent lives as well as numerous internally displaced persons and refugees in neighbouring countries, people in critical need of assistance and children without access to education due to school closures, and have hindered humanitarian access, expressing concern over the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the significant ongoing food crisis in Mali, and further expressing deep concern that the situation in Mali negatively impacts that of neighbouring countries and of the Sahel region,

Emphasizing that security and stability in Mali are inextricably linked to that of the Sahel and West Africa, as well as to that of Libya and North Africa,

Strongly condemning the continued attacks against civilians, representatives from local, regional and State institutions, as well as national, international and UN security forces, including the Malian Defence and Security Forces (MDSF), the G5 Sahel joint force (FC-G5S), the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), the French forces and the European Union Training Mission in Mali (EUTM Mali), paying tribute to the bravery and sacrifices made by the soldiers engaged in Mali and the Sahel, especially to those who lost their lives, and calling for continuing support to the MDSF in their fight against terrorism,

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Underlining that lasting peace and security in the Sahel region will not be achieved without a combination of political, security and development efforts benefitting all regions of Mali, as well as the full, effective and inclusive implementation of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali (“the Agreement”), which involves all Malian actors supportive of the peace process and ensures full, effective and meaningful participation of women and youth,

Recognizing that an integrated and coherent approach among relevant political, security and developmental actors, within and outside of the United Nations system, consistent with their respective mandates, is critical to building and sustaining peace in Mali and the Sahel, and recalling the objectives of the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel,

Welcoming the Pau Summit of 13 January 2020 and the creation of a “Coalition for the Sahel”, aimed at fighting against terrorism, strengthening the Sahelian States’ military capabilities, supporting the restoration of State authority throughout the territory, and bolstering development assistance, further welcoming the set-up of the Takuba Task Force, and of the Partnership for Security and Stability in the Sahel, as well as increased engagement from the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States, and welcoming, in this regard, the initiative to deploy an African Union-led force in the Sahel,

Recognizing that some progress was made during the past six months in the implementation of the Agreement, and that a combination of some level of political will and international pressure, including through the prospect of sanctions, constituted important factors in securing this progress and underlining that MINUSMA, along with the other security presences mentioned in resolution 2480 (2019), significantly contributes to the implementation of the Agreement and to the stabilization of Mali,

Expressing a significant sense of impatience with parties over the persistent delays in the full implementation of key provisions of the Agreement, noting that protracted delays in implementation contribute to a political and security vacuum jeopardizing the stability and development of Mali as well as the viability of the Agreement, and stressing the need for increased ownership and prioritization in the implementation of the Agreement,

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Underlining that engaging in hostilities in violation of the Agreement as well as actions taken that obstruct, or that obstruct by prolonged delay, or that threaten the implementation of the Agreement constitute a basis for sanctions designations pursuant to resolution 2374 (2017), among other designation criteria,

Noting the Stratégie de stabilisation du centre du Mali by the Malian authorities as well as other initiatives aimed at addressing the situation in Central Mali, and stressing that stabilization of the situation there requires the Malian authorities and relevant stakeholders to implement this strategy by pursuing simultaneous progress on security, governance, development, reconciliation, accountability, as well as protection and promotion of human rights,

Welcoming the holding of the national inclusive dialogue which was a significant step in building consensus on key political and institutional reforms, and further welcoming the increased representation of women in the National Assembly,

Strongly condemning all violations and abuses of international human rights law and violations of international humanitarian law, including those involving extrajudicial and summary executions, arbitrary arrests and detentions and ill-treatment of prisoners, sexual and gender-based violence, and trafficking in persons, as well as killing, maiming, recruitment and use of children, attacks against schools, humanitarian actors and services, and medical personnel and infrastructure identified as such, and calling upon all parties to bring an end to such violations and abuses and to comply with their obligations under applicable international law,

Reiterating, in this regard, the importance of holding accountable all those responsible for such acts and that some of such acts referred to in the paragraph above may amount to crimes under the Rome Statute, taking note that, acting upon the referral of the transitional authorities of Mali dated 13 July 2012, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) opened on 16 January 2013 an investigation into alleged crimes committed on the territory of Mali since January 2012, and further taking note of the finalization of the work of the International Commission of Inquiry established in accordance with the Agreement and as requested by resolution 2364 (2017),

Emphasizing the need for adequate risk assessment and risk management strategies, by the Government of Mali and the United Nations, of ecological changes, natural disasters, drought, desertification, land degradation, food insecurity, energy access, climate change, among other factors, on the security and stability of Mali,

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Commending troop- and police-contributing countries of MINUSMA for their contribution, paying tribute to the peacekeepers who risk, as well as lost, their lives in this respect,

Welcoming MINUSMA’s efforts to implement its adaptation plan, with a view to integrating all mission components and increasing its protected mobility, agility and flexibility, and therefore improving its support to the implementation of the Agreement, to the stabilization and restoration of State authority in the Centre and enhancing protection of civilians, notably by setting-up a Mobile Task Force,

Expressing concern over reports of some training and capabilities shortfalls of MINUSMA units, undeclared caveats, non-compliance with orders, and emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability of the mission’s performance,

Recognizing that, in light of the specific and challenging environment in which it is deployed, MINUSMA interacts with other security presences which have the potential to be mutually beneficial instruments to restore peace and stability in Mali and the Sahel region,

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General (S/2020/476) and the letter of the Secretary-General (S/2020/481),

Determining that the situation in Mali continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

Adopted by the Security Council on 29 June 2020.

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