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United Nations Security Council Resolution 2589 – United Nations peacekeeping operations

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2589 – United Nations peacekeeping operations

Resolution 2589 (2021)

The Security Council,

Recalling the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, reaffirming its primary responsibility under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security,

Recalling its previous relevant resolutions and presidential statements addressing issues related to peacekeeping operations,

Reaffirming the basic principles of peacekeeping, such as consent of the parties, impartiality, and non-use of force, except in self-defence and defence of the mandate,

Underscoring the importance of peacekeeping as one of the most effective tools available to the United Nations in the promotion and maintenance of international peace and security, and affirming that lasting peace is neither achieved nor sustained by military and technical engagements alone, but through political solutions, and strongly convinced that this should guide the design and deployment of United Nations peacekeeping operations,

Noting efforts undertaken by the Secretary-General to mobilize all partners and stakeholders in support of more effective United Nations peacekeeping through his initiatives “Action for Peacekeeping” and Action for Peacekeeping +, which highlights the importance of, inter alia, accountability for crimes committed against United Nations Personnel serving in peacekeeping operations,

Noting that United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations are deployed in deteriorating and complex political and security environments, expressing grave concern about the security threats and targeted attacks against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, which constitute a major challenge to United Nations operations, including threats posed by landmines, explosive remnants of war (ERW) and improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and recalling the sacrifices of uniformed and civilian personnel in implementing United Nations mandates in challenging environments,

Condemning in the strongest terms the killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including, but not limited to, their detention and abduction, and recalling that such acts against peacekeepers may constitute war crimes,

Condemning violations of status-of-forces or status-of-mission agreements by any party to those agreements, recognizing the grave risks such violations can present to the safety and security of United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, and affirming that the entry of personnel or equipment into the country and freedom of movement, in line with mission’s mandate, should not be hindered,

Expressing serious concern regarding challenges in bringing to justice perpetrators of the killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including, but not limited to, their detention and abduction, and that the rate of prosecution of such crimes has remained very low, which has further contributed to an environment of impunity, and undermined the safety and security of such personnel, and in this regard, noting the commitment expressed by Member States to take all appropriate measures to bring to justice perpetrators of such acts against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations,

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Underscoring the importance of peacekeeping missions cooperating closely with concerned member states and United Nations entities, to mitigate the risk of the killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including, but not limited to, their detention and abduction,

Noting the important role United Nations’ assistance to police, justice and corrections institutions can play, where mandated, in strengthening the rule of law and security sector reform, reaffirming the lead role of national authorities in progressing the reform of police, justice and corrections institutions as part of wider rule of law and security sector reform efforts, including in dedicating national resources towards national police, justice and corrections institutions, and monitoring the impact of police, justice and corrections reform, and recognizing that the political leadership and political will of national authorities are critical in this regard and success necessitates national ownership,

Recognizing the critical role of United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations in the promotion and maintenance of international peace and security in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, and that the primary responsibility for the safety and security of United Nations personnel and assets rests with the host state, and recognizing further that efforts to enhance safety and security need to be improved at all levels both at headquarters and in the field as a shared endeavour,

Reaffirming the critical link between safety and security and the performance of civilian and uniformed peacekeeping personnel, and that institutionalizing a culture of performance in United Nations peacekeeping will contribute to better delivery of peacekeeping mandates, as well as leading to improvements in the safety and security of peacekeepers, noting, in this regard, the development of the Integrated Peacekeeping Performance and Accountability Framework, and underscoring the importance of performance assessment and accountability at all levels,

1. Pays tribute to all United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including those who have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty for the cause of peace;

2. Calls upon Member States hosting or having hosted United Nations peacekeeping operations, to take all appropriate measures, in accordance with their national law, and international law, as applicable, to bring to justice perpetrators of the killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel, including, but not limited to, their detention and abduction, urges all parties to armed conflict to fully respect their obligations under international law, calls on host states to work with peacekeeping missions to enhance the safety and security of mission personnel, including in line with resolution 2518 (2020), and to take all necessary measures to investigate such acts, and arrest and prosecute perpetrators of such acts in line with their national law, consistent with applicable international obligations, including under international humanitarian law, and international human rights law, and in accordance with the relevant status-of-forces or status-of-mission agreement, as appropriate;

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3. Calls upon the Member States hosting or having hosted United Nations peacekeeping operations to promote accountability for the killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including, but not limited to, their detention and abduction, in line with their national law, and consistent with applicable international obligations, including under international humanitarian law, and international human rights law, and encouragesMember States hosting or having hosted peacekeeping operation, to address impunity for such acts against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including through strengthening their police, justice and corrections institutions; recognizes, in this regard, the need to enhance support to Member States hosting United Nations peacekeeping operations, as appropriate, for the implementation of effective and efficient investigation and prosecution measures, including through technical and logistical support, to address impunity and ensure accountability forsuch acts, and encourages the Secretary-General through relevant United Nations entities, as appropriate, on request of the host state, and within existing mandate and capacities, to support and facilitate capacity building and technical assistance to thehost state authorities, including relevant law enforcement, prosecutorial, judicial and corrections institutions, the collection and preservation of evidence, victim and witness protection, forensics, and safety and security arrangements for courts and detention facilities, as appropriate;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to encourage efforts by Member States hosting peacekeeping operations to ensure accountability for the killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including, but not limited to, their detention and abduction, by including updates, as appropriate, on the following key tasks in his reports to the Security Council on individual peacekeeping operations, and in his comprehensive annual briefing mandated by the Security Council under its resolution 2378 (2017)on cases related to United Nations peacekeeping Missions already closed:

(a) Progress made by Member States hosting or having hosted peacekeeping operations in the prevention, investigation, and prosecution of cases related to the killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including, but not limited to, their detention and abduction, and measures undertaken by Member States hosting or having hosted peacekeeping operation, to promote accountability for such acts within their domestic justice systems, consistent with applicable international obligations, including under international humanitarian law and international human rights law;

(b) Measures taken by the United Nations to follow up on cases related to the killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including, but not limited to, their detention and abduction, to assist the host states upon their request and within mission mandate and capacities, to support efforts of host state towards ensuring accountability for such acts;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to establish a comprehensive online database, within existing resources, accessible to concerned Member States, including host states and troop and police contributing countries, and countries of nationality of civilian personnel, while taking appropriate measures to protect sensitive information, where necessary, of cases related to the killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including, but not limited to, their detention and abduction, and information on capacity building assistance offered by the United Nations to Member States hosting peacekeeping operations; progress made by Member States hosting or having hosted peacekeeping operations, in bringing to justice perpetrators of such acts, and encourages Member States to provide voluntary support, including financial resources for this initiative;

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6. Encourages Member States, including troop and police contributing countries whose personnel have been the victims of the killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including, but not limited to, their detention and abduction, to actively engage and share information with the Secretary-General, consistent with their national law, as and where necessary to assist Member States hosting or have hosted peacekeeping operations, in bringing to justice the perpetrators of such acts;

7. Affirms its determination to take effective steps to further enhance the partnership between the United Nations and regional as well as subregional organizations, including the African Union, to provide capacity building assistance to host states for the prevention, investigation, and prosecution of cases of killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including, but not limited to, their detention and abduction;

8. Calls on the Secretary-General to notify the relevant national authorities immediately upon receiving reports of the killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including, but not limited to their detention and abduction, and urges host states to maintain regular communications to keep the Secretary-General informed of the progress of investigations and prosecutions in such cases, as appropriate;

9. Requests that each United Nations peacekeeping mission designate within the existing capacities and resources of the mission, a focal point for all issues related to the prevention, investigation and prosecution of the killing of, and all acts of violence against United Nations personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, including, but not limited to their detention and abduction;

10. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 8837th meeting, on 18 August 2021.

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