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United Nations Security Council Resolution 2670– The situation in Somalia (ATMIS)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2670– The situation in Somalia (ATMIS)

Resolution 2670 (2022)

The Security Council,

Recalling all its previous resolutions and statements of its President on the situation in Somalia, including its decision in resolution 2628 (2022) to authorise the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS),

Noting the African Union (AU) request, pursuant to paragraph 2 of the AUPSC Communique adopted at its 1121st Meeting held on 11 November 2022, to extend Phase 1 of ATMIS for the drawdown of 2000 ATMIS personnel, until 30 June 2023,

Acting under Chapter VII of the UN Charter,

  1. Reaffirms its decisions in resolution 2628 (2022) except as follows:

(a) recalls paragraphs 22, 23, 24 and 26 and exceptionally extends its authorisations until 30 June 2023 and affirms that paragraph 27 is annulled, further recalls the revision to the operational timeline requested by Somalia and supported by the AUPSC to complete the drawdown of 2000 ATMIS personnel by 30 June 2023, and affirms the commitment of the AU and Somalia to adopt a strategic, gradual, and sector-by-sector approach to the drawdown of those 2000 personnel over this six-month period;

(b) recalls paragraph 28 and notes that the AUPSC, in paragraph 2 of its Communique adopted at its 1121st meeting held on 11 November 2022, reconfirmed the commitment to maintain the exit date of 31 December 2024 by ATMIS;

(c) recalls its request, in paragraph 51, that the United Nations (UN), jointly with the AU, Somalia, European Union (EU) and other donors undertake regular, joint technical assessments of progress made and against the benchmarks agreed by the UN, AU, Somalia and EU contained in the Secretary-General’s letter to the Security Council of 30 September 2022, requests the Secretary-General, jointly with the AU and in consultation with Somalia and donors, to provide the report requested by 15 February 2023, by 30 April 2023 instead; and,

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(d) recalls its request in paragraph 53, and requests a further report by 30 April 2023, and that this report includes a sector-by-sector assessment of security and ATMIS performance;

2. Recalls paragraphs 7, 8 and 38 of resolution 2628 (2022), reaffirms paragraph 37 of the same resolution, and further recalls paragraph 52 and requests Somalia to provide an additional report by 30 April 2023, and further requests that this report includes an updated force generation plan;

3. Decides to convene a formal meeting of the Security Council on the transition in Somalia no later than 31 March 2023, with the participation of Somalia, the AU, EU and ATMIS troop contributing countries;

4. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 9232nd meeting, on 21 December 2022.

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