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United Nations Security Council Resolution 2710 – The situation in Somalia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2710 – The situation in Somalia

Resolution 2710 (2023)

The Security Council,

Recalling all its previous resolutions and statements of its President on the situation in Somalia,

Reaffirming its full respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia,

Underscoring the importance of consolidating the peace and security gains made in Somalia,

Expressing grave concern that Al-Shabaab continues to pose a serious threat to the peace, security and stability of Somalia and the region,

Condemning in the strongest possible terms terrorist attacks in Somalia and neighbouring states, expressing deep concern at the loss of life from these attacks and the risk to international forces, reiterating its determination to support comprehensive efforts to reduce the threat posed by Al-Shabaab, and recalling that any measures taken to counter terrorism must comply with all obligations under international law,

Noting that the Somali Security Forces (SSF) and the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) have achieved operational successes against Al-Shabaab, but Al-Shabaab continues to threaten military and civilian targets in Somalia and East Africa,

Acknowledging the effective completion of the Phase 1 drawdown of 2,000 ATMIS personnel as outlined in the September 2023 Joint Technical Assessment,

Noting the request from the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) to extend Phase 2 of ATMIS and to delay the drawdown of 3,000 personnel until 31 December 2023,

Further noting the African Union request, pursuant to the African Union Peace and Security Council Communique adopted at its 1177th Meeting held on 30 September 2023, to extend Phase 2 of ATMIS and delay the drawdown of 3,000 ATMIS personnel, until 31 December 2023, in response to Somalia’s request,

Recalling that the Joint Proposal submitted by the Secretary-General on 7 March 2022 and paragraph 28 of resolution 2628 (2022) envisages further reductions to 10,626 uniformed personnel, inclusive of a minimum number of 1,040 police personnel by the end of phase 3 (June 2024), and zero personnel, by the end of phase 4(December 2024) and noting that the African Union Peace and Security Council Communique adopted at its 1177th Meeting, reconfirmed its commitment to maintainthe exit date of 31 December 2024 for ATMIS,

Recalling that performance and accountability underpin the success of any mandate, noting that the availability of operational equipment and financial resources could, among other factors affect the overall implementation of ATMIS’ mandate, and noting that ATMIS faces financial and equipment shortfalls,

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Acting under Chapter VII of the UN Charter,


1. Recalls paragraph 22 of resolution 2628 (2022), as most recently extended by resolution 2687 (2023), and further extends its authorisations until 30 June 2024;

2. Authorises the Member States of the African Union to deploy up to 17,626 uniformed personnel, inclusive of 1,040 police personnel, to ATMIS until 31 December 2023, and to complete the Phase 2 drawdown of 3,000 ATMIS personnel by this date and thereby amends paragraph 19 of resolution 2687 (2023);

3. Authorises the Member States of the African Union to deploy up to 14,626 uniformed personnel, inclusive of 1,040 police personnel from 1 January 2024 until 30 June 2024 and to complete the Phase 3 drawdown of 4,000 ATMIS personnel by the latter date;

4. Urges ATMIS and its Troop- and Police-Contributing Countries to work closely with the FGS and Somalia’s Federal Member States (FMS) to ensure that the Phase 3 drawdown is gradual and conducted in line with Somalia’s strategic needs, including progress with force generation, as well as taking into account the situation in Somalia and the importance of maintaining security and stability;

5. Underlines the need to enhance the predictability, sustainability and flexibility of financing for African Union-led peace support operations authorised by the Security Council and under the Security Council’s authority consistent with Chapter VIII of the UN Charter, and, in this regard, encourages the Secretary-General, African Union and Member States to continue efforts to explore in earnest funding arrangements for ATMIS, bearing in mind the full range of options available to the United Nations, African Union, the European Union, and to other partners, and considering the limitations of voluntary funding, in order to establish secure future funding arrangements for ATMIS;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to provide a logistical support package, and, in consultation with the African Union and the FGS, to update the logistical support plan as appropriate, in full compliance with the Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (HRDDP), through the United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) for:

a. United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM);

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b. ATMIS uniformed personnel in line with paragraphs 2 and 3 to this resolution, and on the basis set out in paragraph 2 of resolution 2245 (2015); and

c. up to 85 ATMIS civilians, to support ATMIS’ military and police tasks and enhance coordination between the United Nations, African Union and Somalia;

7. Recalls paragraph 2 of resolution 2245 (2015) and decides to continue the provision outlined in subparagraphs (f) and (g) to cover 15,900 personnel, rising to 18,900 personnel from 1 November 2023, from the Somali National Army or Somali National Police Force on joint or coordinated operations with ATMIS in full compliance with HRDDP and agrees to consider increasing this number further by letter from the President of the Security Council, if UNSOS advises there is sufficient funds to do so;

8. Welcomes the recent disbursement by the African Union Peace Fund to support ATMIS, and the continued financial support provided by the European Union and its Member States since the beginning of operations in Somalia in 2007, as well as the financial support provided by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of India and the Peoples Republic of China, and the in-kind, technical and logistical support provided by the United States of America to ATMIS, and the contributions of all Member States to the peace and stability of Somalia;

9. Encourages the traditional donors to ATMIS to continue supporting ATMIS until its planned exit by 31 December 2024, and calls for the enlargement and diversification of the donor base to provide the necessary funding for ATMIS and for the UNSOS administered Somalia Trust Fund, and emphasises that additional support to ATMIS and Somalia will enable Somalia to bolster its fight against Al-Shabaab and improve peace and security in Somalia and the region;

Maintaining momentum on the security transition


10. Takes note of the planned security conference on 12 December 2023, calls on all international partners to participate, and encourages the FGS, in consultation with the United Nations, the African Union, the European Union, and international partners, to consider the requirements for continued international support to Somalia’s security, and greater Somali-ownership following ATMIS’ exit, with the objective of producing a detailed plan, with actionable and feasible objectives, timelines and resource requirements and encourages the Government of Somalia to present a proposal for post-ATMIS security arrangements to the Security Council by 31 March 2024;

11. Requests the FGS and the African Union, in consultation with the United Nations, the European Union and international partners, to conduct a joint technical assessment by 31 March 2024 to evaluate Phase 2 drawdown and identify lessons, as well as the implications of the revised National Security Architecture and force generation, to inform planning for the remaining phases of ATMIS drawdown;

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12. Requests an update by 30 April 2024 from the African Union and the FGS on their preparations for Phase 3 drawdown of 4,000 troops by 30 June 2024, taking into account the lessons identified from Phases 1 and 2, and setting out a clear plan and timescale for Phase 3 drawdown;

13. Recalls paragraph 45 of resolution 2687 (2023), and expresses its intention to commission a strategic review of UNSOS, through a letter from its President, after the completion of the actions set out in paragraphs 10–11;

14. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council regularly informed on the implementation of this resolution in their regular reports requested in paragraph 14 of resolution 2705 (2023) and requests these reports contain updates on capacity-building in Somalia, and, in full consultation with the FGS and FMS, make recommendations to the Security Council on capacity-building requirements as necessary;

15. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter and review this resolution no later than 30 June 2024.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 9477th meeting, on 15 November 2023.

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