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United Nations Security Council Resolution 2714 – The situation in Somalia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2714 – The situation in Somalia

Resolution 2714 (2023)

The Security Council,

Recalling all its previous resolutions and statements of its President on the situation in Somalia,

Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia,

Highlighting its decision in this resolution to fully lift the arms embargo on the Federal Republic of Somalia established under resolution 733 (1992) as amended,

Emphasising, for the avoidance of doubt, that there is no arms embargo on the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia (GFRS),

Emphasising that effective weapons and ammunition management in Somalia will:

a. reduce the ability of Al-Shabaab, and other actors intent on undermining peace and security in Somalia and the region, to obtain weapons and ammunition,

b. improve the ability of the GFRS and Somalia’s Federal Member States and regional governments to analyse and understand the origins of weapons and ammunition captured from Al-Shabaab or other actors, and,

c. reduce the threat to peace and security posed by terrorists, in Somalia and neighbouring states,

Welcoming the technical assessments of the weapons and ammunition management capability of Somalia (S/2022/698 and S/2023/676), and the benchmarks proposed following the technical assessment, commending Somalia for the progress made, especially with regards to weapons management, and urging continued progress against the indicators,

Underlining the responsibility of the GFRS to ensure the safe and effective management, storage and security of their stockpiles of weapons, ammunition and other military equipment and their distribution, urging the GFRS to continue to codify and implement weapons and ammunition management policies and regulations, including continued development of an accountable weapons distribution and tracing system for all Somali security and police institutions,

Welcoming the GFRS’ establishment of the Central Monitoring Department (CMD) to provide coordination, oversight, assurance and monitoring of the delivery, marking, circulation and audit of weapons and ammunition across Somalia with support and advice from Member States,

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Expressing concern about the number of safe ammunition storage facilities in Somalia, and encouraging the construction, refurbishment and use of safe ammunition depots across Somalia,

Encouraging the international community to provide specialised, long-term training and capacity-building on weapons and ammunition management, including: the safe storage of materiel sold, supplied or transferred to Somalia, tracing and analysis of captured/seized weapons, ammunition and military equipment and improvised explosive devices (IEDs),

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,


1. Recalls paragraph 5 of resolution 733 (1992) which established a general and complete embargo on all deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Somalia as amended by subsequent resolutions, and, recognising the progress made against the benchmarks endorsed in resolution 2662 (2022), decides to lift the arms embargo established in resolution 733 (1992) as amended;

2. Recalls resolution 2713 (2023) which established a general and complete embargo on all deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Al-Shabaab in Somalia;

3. Calls upon the GFRS to continue to:

a. implement the National Weapons and Ammunition Management Strategy;

b. establish an ammunition accounting system, and build sufficient armouries and ammunition storage areas to strengthen the capacity of stockpile management;

c. promote further professionalisation, training and capacity-building of all Somali security and police institutions;

d. implement action plans to strengthen screening and accountability mechanisms;

e. take all measures necessary to ensure that weapons, ammunition and military equipment imported for use by the GFRS, Somali National Army, Somali National Police Force, the National Intelligence and Security Agency and the Somali Custodial Corps, as well as licenced private security companies are not resold to, transferred to, or made available for use by any individual or entity not in the service of the FGRS; and,

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f. implement Somalia’s responsibilities pursuant to resolution 2713 (2023);

4. Requests UNMAS, in collaboration with partners, to continue to:a. provide technical advice and capacity-building support to assist Somalia with the implementation of the National Weapons and Ammunition Management Strategy and associated action plan;b. provide coordination and strategic advice to the GFRS to support the development of national policies, plans and guidelines to counter the threat of IEDs and to support a coordinated response to mine action needs throughout Somalia , including assistance to victims;

5. Calls upon the international community to continue to provide additional support to develop weapons and ammunition management capacity in Somalia, including at the federal and local level, with a particular focus on weapons and ammunition storage, technical assistance, and capacity-building on marking, recordkeeping, tracing and disposal, and encourages partners to coordinate their efforts to support Somalia in implementing the requirements of this resolution.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 9491st meeting, on 1 December 2023.

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