Home » United Nations » United Nations Security Council Resolution 2725 – Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (Panel of Experts)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2725 – Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (Panel of Experts)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2725 – Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (Panel of Experts)

Resolution 2725 (2024)

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions concerning Sudan, in particular 1591 (2005), 1651 (2005), 1665 (2006), 1672 (2006), 1713 (2006), 1779 (2007), 1841 (2008), 1891 (2009), 1945 (2010), 1982 (2011), 2035 (2012), 2091 (2013), 2138 (2014), 2200 (2015), 2265 (2016), 2340 (2017), 2400 (2018), 2455 (2019), 2508 (2020), 2562 (2021), 2620 (2022), and 2676 (2023), supplemented by 2664 (2022), its Presidential Statement of 11 December 2018 (S/PRST/2018/19), and its press statements,

Recalling the signing of the Juba Peace Agreement (JPA) in Juba on 3 October 2020 by the Government of Sudan, the Sudan Revolutionary Front and the Sudan Liberation Movement-Minni Minawi, reaffirming that the JPA remains binding for all its signatories, in particular its provisions on a permanent ceasefire in Darfur and encouraging all signatories to take further steps to accelerate the process of full implementation of the JPA,

Calling on all Member States to refrain from external interference which seeks to foment conflict and instability and instead to support efforts for a durable peace, and reminding all parties to the conflict and Member States who facilitate the transfers of arms and military material to Darfur of their obligations to comply with the arms embargo measures as stipulated in paragraphs 7 and 8 of resolution 1556 (2004), and reiterating that those who violate the arms embargo may be designated for targeted measures in accordance with paragraph 3 (c) of resolution 1591 (2005),

Expressing alarm at the ongoing conflict and deteriorating humanitarian situation in Darfur and recognizing that the situation in Darfur is strongly affected by the ongoing nationwide conflict and deteriorating humanitarian situation, strongly condemning attacks against civilians, widespread cases of sexual and gender-based violence in conflict,

Noting with concern reports by the Panel of Experts on the Sudan that armed actors are engaged in aggressive recruitment campaigns, and calling on all armed actors to cease recruitment campaigns,

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Stressing the need for all parties to the conflict to cease violations of international humanitarian law and abuses and violations of international human rights law in Darfur and to adhere to their obligations under these laws, including their obligations to protect civilians from violence, including women and children from sexual violence, and children from recruitment into their armed forces, and further stressing the need to ensure accountability,

Taking note of the Secretary-General’s letter of 24 November 2023 to the Security Council (S/2023/918) and the Government of Sudan’s letter of 30 November 2023 to the Committee (S/AC.47/2023/COMM.8) with reference to paragraph 5 of its resolution 2676 (2023), requesting an assessment on progress achieved on the key benchmarks established in paragraph 4 of its resolution 2676 (2023),

Underscoring that the measures recalled in paragraph 1 to respond to the situation in Darfur are not targeted towards the Government of Sudan,

Determining that the situation in Sudan continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

1. Recalls the measures imposed by paragraphs 7 and 8 of resolution 1556 (2004), as modified by paragraph 7 of resolution 1591 (2005), and paragraph 4 of resolution 2035 (2012), the listing criteria and measures imposed by subparagraphs (c), (d) and (e) of paragraph 3 of resolution 1591 (2005), as modified by paragraph 3 of resolution 2035 (2012), and the provisions of subparagraph (f), (g) of paragraph 3 of resolution 1591 (2005), paragraph 9 of resolution 1556 (2004), and paragraph 4 of resolution 2035 (2012), and further recalls that resolution 2676 (2023) reaffirmed and renewed these measures until 12 September 2024, and indicated that the Security Council will make a decision regarding their further renewal no later than 12 September 2024;

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2. Decides to extend until 12 March 2025 the mandate of the Panel of Experts originally appointed pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) and previously extended by resolutions 1779 (2007), 1841 (2008), 1945 (2010), 2035 (2012), 2138 (2014), 2200 (2015), 2265 (2016), 2340 (2017), 2400 (2018), 2455 (2019), 2508 (2020), 2562 (2021), and 2620 (2022) and 2676 (2023) reaffirms the mandate of the Panel of Experts as established in these resolutions, and requests the Panel of Experts to provide the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) concerning the Sudan (hereafter “the Committee”) with an interim report on its activities no later than 12 August 2024, and provide to the Council, after discussion with the Committee, a final report by 13 January 2025 with its findings and recommendations, and further requests the Panel of Experts to provide updates every three months to the Committee regarding its activities, including Panel travel, and the implementation and effectiveness of paragraph 10 of resolution 1945 (2010), and expresses its intention to review the mandate and take appropriate action regarding the further extension of the mandate no later than 12 February 2025; and encouragesall parties and all Member States, as well as international, regional and subregional organizations, to ensure continued cooperation with the Panel of Experts and the safety of its members;

3. Takes note of the panel’s reporting on the complex financing schemes established by armed groups active in Darfur and requests the panel to further investigate all relevant funding sources, whether local, national or international, of these armed groups;

4. Recalls paragraph 3 (a) (v) of Security Council resolution 1591 (2005) and requests the Government of Sudan to submit requests for the Committee’s consideration and, where appropriate, prior approval for the movement of military equipment and supplies into the Darfur region, particularly in the context of the implementation of the JPA, in accordance with paragraph 7 of resolution 1591 (2005), as clarified and updated in paragraph 8 of resolution 1945 (2010) and paragraph 4 of resolution 2035 (2012);

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5. Recalling paragraph 4 of UNSCR 2676 (2023), having considered the measures in paragraph 1 of UNSCR 2676 (2023), expresses its intention to further review these measures no later than 12 September 2024;

6. Requests the Panel of Experts to assess in its interim and final reports progress towards reducing violations by all parties and the implementation of the measures imposed by paragraphs 7 and 8 of resolution 1556 (2004), paragraph 7 of resolution 1591 (2005), and paragraph 10 of resolution 1945 (2010), and progress towards promotion of peace and stability in Darfur; violations of international humanitarian law or violations or abuses of human rights, including those that involve attacks on the civilian population, sexual- and gender based violence and violations and abuses against children, and other violations of the above-mentioned resolutions, and to provide the Committee with information on the individuals and entities that meet the listing criteria in paragraph 3 (c) of resolution 1591 (2005);

7. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 9569th meeting, on 8 March 2024.

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