United Nations Security Council Resolution 318 – Middle East
Resolution 318 (1972) of 28 July 1972
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolution 314 (1972) of 28 February 1972, in which it requested the Committee established in pursuance of Security Council resolution 253 (1968) of 29 May 1968 to consider ways and means by which the implementation of sanctions might be ensured and to submit a report containing recommendations in this respect, including any suggestions that the Committee might wish to make concerning its terms of reference and any other measures designed to ensure the effectiveness of its work,
Having considered the special report37 of the Committee established in pursuance of Security Council resolution 253 ( 1968),
Mindful of the need to strengthen the machinery established by the Security Council in order to ensure proper implementation of the relevant resolutions of the Council,
Recalling further that, as stated in previous resolutions of the Security Council, the present sanctions against Southern Rhodesia shall remain fully in force until the aims and objectives set out in resolution 253 ( 1968) are completely achieved,
Gravely concerned that certain States have not complied with the provisions of resolution 253 (1968), contrary to their obligations under Article 25 of the Charter of the United Nations,
- Reaffirms the inalienable right of the people of Southern Rhodesia to self-determination and independence;
2. Recognizes the legitimacy of the struggle of the people of Southern Rhodesia to secure the enjoyment of their rights, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations and in conformity with the objectives of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960;
3. Takes note with appreciation of the special report of the Committee established in pursuance of Security Council resolution 253 (1968);
4. Approves the recommendations and suggestions contained in section III of the special report;
5. Calls upon all States continuing to have economic and other relations with Southern Rhodesia to end such relations immediately;
6. Demands that all Member States scrupulously carry out their obligations to implement fully Security Council resolutions 253 (1968), 277 (1970) of 18 March 1970 and 314 (1972);
7. Condemns all acts violating the provisions of Security Council resolutions 253 (1968), 277 (1970) and 314 (1972);
8. Calls upon all States to co-operate fully with the Security Council in the effective implementation of sanctions and to give the Council all the necessary assistance that may be required of them towards the fulfilment of this task;
9. Again draws the attention of all States to the need for increasing vigilance in all matters relating to sanctions and, accordingly, urges them to review the adequacy of the legislation and the practices followed so far and, if necessary, to take more effective measures to ensure full implementation of all provisions of Security Council resolutions 253 (1968), 277 (1970) and 314 (1972);
10. Requests the Secretary-General to provide all appropriate assistance to the Security Council Committee established in pursuance of resolution 25 3 (1968) concerning the question of Southern Rhodesia in the discharge of its responsibilities.
Adopted at the 1655th meeting by 14 votes to none, with 1 abstention ( United States of America).
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