United Nations Security Council Resolution 405 – Benin
Rcsolution 405 (1977) of 14 April 1977
The Security Council,
Having considered the report”’ of the Security Coun-cil Special Mission to the People’s Republic of Benin established undcr resolution 404 ( 1977) of 8 Febru-ary 1977,
Gravely concerned at the violation of the territorial integrity, independcnce and sovereignty of the State of Benin,
Deeply grieved at the loss of life and substantial damage to property caused by the invading force durinng its attack on Cotonou on 16 January 1977,
- Takes note of the report of the Special Mission and expresses its appreciation for the work accom-plished;
2. Strongly condemns the act of armed aggression perpetrated against the Peoplc’s Republic of Benin on 16 January 1977;
3. Reaffirms its resolution 239 (1967) of 10 July 1967, by which, inter alia, it condemns any State which persists in permitting or tolerating the recruitment of mercenaries and the provision of facilities to therewith the objective of overthrowing the Governments of Member States;
4. Calls upon all States to exercise the utmost vigi-lance against the danger posed by international mercenaries and to ensure that their territory and other territories under their control, as well as their nationals, are not used for the planning of subversion and recruitment, training and transit of mercenaries designed to overthrow the Government of any Member State;
5. Further calls upon all States to consider taking necessary measures to prohibit, undcr their respective domestic laws, the recruitment, training and transit of mercenaries on their territory and other territories un-der their contrai;
6. Condemns all forms of external interference in the internai affairs of Member States, including the use of international mercenaries to destabilize States and/ or to violate their territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence;
7. Requests the Secretary-General to provide appropriate technical assistance to help the Government of Benin in assessing and evaluating the damage resulting from the act of armed aggression committed at Cotonou on 16 January 1977;
8. Appeals to all States to provide material assistance to the People’s Republic of Benin in order to enable it to repair the damage and lasses inflicted during the attack;
9. Notes that the Government of Benin has reserved its right with respect to any eventual claims for compensation which it may wish to assert;
10. Calls upon all States to provide the Security Council with any information they m.ight have in connection with the events at Cotonou on 16 January 1977 likely to throw further light on those events;
11. Requests the Secretary-General to follow closely the implementation of the present resolution;
12. Decides to remain seized of this question.
Adopted at the 2005th meeting by consensus.
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