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United Nations Security Council Resolution 436 – Lebanon

United Nations Security Council Resolution 436 – Lebanon

Resolution 436 (1978) of 6 October 1978

The Security Council,

Noting with grave concern the deteriorating situation in Beirut and its surroundings,

Deeply grieved at the consequent loss of life, human suffering and physical destruction,

Noting the appeal made on 4 October 1978 by the President of the Security Council and the Secretary-General,

  1. Calls upon all those involved in hostilities in Lebanon to put an end to acts of violence and observe scrupulously an immediate and effective cease-fire and cessation of hostilities so that internal peace and national reconciliation may be restored based on the preservation of Lebanese unity, territorial integrity, independence and national sovereignty;

2. Calls upon all involved to allow units of the International Committee of the Red Cross into the area of conflict to evacuate the wounded and provide humanitarian assistance;

3. Supports the Secretary-General in his efforts and requests him to continue these efforts to bring about a durable cease-fire and to keep the Security Council informed on the implementation of the cease-fire.

Adopted unanimously at the 2089th meeting.

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