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United Nations Security Council Resolution 507 – Seychelles

United Nations Security Council Resolution 507 – Seychelles

Resolution 507 (1982) of 28 May 1982

The Security Council,

Having examined the report of the Security Council Com mission of Inquiry established under resolution 496 ( 1981),

Gravely concerned at the violation of the territorial integrity, independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Seychelles,

Deeply grieved at the loss of life and substantial damage to property caused by the mercenary invading force during its attack on the Republic of Seychelles on 25 November 1981,

Gravely concerned at the mercenary aggression against the Republic of Seychelles, prepared in and executed from South Africa,

Deeply concerned at the danger which mercenaries represent for all States, particularly the small and weak ones, and for the stability and independence of African States,

Concerned at the long-term effects of the mercenary aggression of 25 November 1981 on the economy of the Republic of Seychelles,

Reiterating resolution 496 (1981), in which it affirms that the territorial integrity and political independence of the Republic of Seychelles must be respected,

1. Takes note of the report of the Security Council Com-mission of Inquiry established under resolution 496 (1981) and expresses its appreciation for the work accomplished;

2. Strongly condemns the mercenary aggression against the Republic of Seychelles;

3. Commends the Republic of Seychelles for successfully repulsing the mercenary aggression and defending its territorial integrity and independence;

4. Reaffirms its resolution 239 (1967) by which, inter alia, it condemns any State which persists in permitting or tolerating the recruitment of mercenaries and the provision of facilities to them, with the objective of overthrowing the Governments of Member States;

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5. Condemns all forms of external interference in the internal affairs of Member States, including the use of mercenaries to destabilize States and/or to violate the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of States;

6. Further condemns the illegal acts against the security and safety of civil aviation committed in the Republic of Seychelles on 25 November 1981;

7. Calls upon all States to provide the Security Council with any information they might have in connection with the mercenary aggression of 25 November 1981 likely to throw further light on the aggression, in particular transcripts of court proceedings and testimony in any trial of any mem-ber of the invading mercenary force;

8. Appeals to all States and international organizations, including the specialized agencies of the United Nations, to assist the Republic of Seychelles to repair the damage caused by the act of mercenary aggression;

9. Decides to establish, by 5 June 1982, a special fund for the Republic of Seychelles, to be supplied by voluntary contributions, through which assistance should be chan-nelled for economic reconstruction;

10. Decides to establish an ad hoe committee, before the end of May 1982, composed of four members of the Security Council, to be chaired by France, to co-ordinate and mobilize resources for the Special Fund established under paragraph 9 of the present resolution, for immediate disbursement to the Republic of Seychelles;

11. Requests the Secretary-General to provide all necessary assistance to the Ad Hoe Committee for the imple-mentation, in particular, of paragraphd 8, 9 and 10 of the present resolution:

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12. Decides to mandate the Commission of Inquiry to examine all further developments and present by 15 August 1982 a supplementary report, with appropriate recommendations, which should take into account, inter alia, the evidence and testimony presented at any trial of any member of the invading mercenary force;

13. Requests the Secretary-General to provide all necessary assistance for the implementation .of the present resolution and paragraph 12 above;

14. Decides to remain seized of the question.

Adopted unanimously at the 2370th meeting.

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