Home » United Nations » United Nations Security Council Resolution 528 – Arabic language in Security Council

United Nations Security Council Resolution 528 – Arabic language in Security Council

United Nations Security Council Resolution 528 – Arabic language in Security Council

Resolution 528 (1982) of 21 December 1982

The Security Council,

Resolution 528 (1982) of 21 December 1982

Having considered the question concerning the inclusion of Arabic among the official and working languages of the Security Council,

Bearing in mind General Assembly resolution 35/219 of 17 December 1980,

Bearing in mind also General Assembly resolutions 3190 (XXVIII) of 18 December 1973 and 34/226 of 20 December 1979,

Taking into account that the General Assembly, in its resolution 35/219 A, after affirming that, in the interest of the full effectiveness of the work of the United Nations,

Arabic should be accorded the same status as the other official and working languages, requested, inter alia, the Security Council to include Arabic among its official and working languages not later than 1 January 1983,

Decides to include Arabic among the official and working languages of the Security Council and to amend rules 41 and 42 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Council to read as follows:

“Rule 41

“Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish shall be both the official and the working languages of the Security Council.

“Rule 42

“Speeches made in any of the six languages of the Security Council shall be interpreted into the other five languages.”

Adopted at the 2410th meeting by consensus.

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