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United Nations Security Council Resolution 530 – Honduras-Nicaragua

United Nations Security Council Resolution 530 – Honduras-Nicaragua

Resolution 530 (1983) of 19 May 1983

The Security Council,

Having heard the statements of the Minister for External Relations of the Republic of Nicaragua, 3

Having also heard the statements of the representatives of various States Members of the United Nations in the course of the debate,

Deeply concerned, on the one hand, at the situation prevailing on and inside the northern border of Nicaragua and, on the other hand, at the consequent danger of a military confrontation between Honduras and Nicaragua, which could further aggravate the existing critical situation in Central America,Recalling all the relevant principles of the Charterof the United Nations, particularly the obligation ofStates to settle their disputes exclusively by peacefulmeans, not to resort to the threat or use of force and to respect the self-determination of peoples and thesovereign independence of all States.

Noting the widespread desire expressed by the States concerned to achieve solutions to the differences between them.

Commending the appeal of the Contadora Group of countries, Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Venzuela, in its 12 May 1983 communiqué, that the deliberations of the Council should strengthen the principles of self-determination and non-interference in the affairs of other States, the obligation not to allow the territory of a State to be used for committing acts of aggression against other States, the peaceful settle

ment of disputes and the prohibition of the threat or use of force to resolve conflict.

Considering the broad support expressed for the efforts of the Contadora Group to achieve solutions to the problems that affect Central American countries and to secure a stable and lasting peace in the region.

  1. Reaffirms the right of Nicaragua and of all the other countries of the area to live in peace and security, free from outside interference;

2. Commends the efforts of the Contadora Group and urges the pursuit of those efforts


Appeals urgently to the interested States to co-operate fully with the Contadora Group, through a frank and constructive dialogue, so as to resolve their differences;

4. Urges the Contadora Group to spare no effort to find solutions to the problems of the region and to keep the Security Council informed of the results of these efforts;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Council informed of the development of the situation and of the implementation of the present resolution.

Adopted unanimously at the 2437th meeting.

See also  United Nations Security Council Resolution 1847 – Cyprus

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